Mutual Pining (Tanaka x Reader)

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I used the picture above for the Japanese school system, it actually helped a lot.

**Female Reader**

It started when you met each other in your first year. The two of you had chatted every now and then but nothing in depth. You knew he was on the volleyball team and he raved about it. He absolutely loved it and would always tell you about their practices. 

In your first year you had joined the art club and went to games and took tons of pictures at the practice matches and games and ended up sketching the individual shots you got. When you talked with Tanaka, you'd talk about the different forms of art and your thoughts about taking pictures of the team in action while playing. Through out your guy's first year you had become the boys' volleyball club unofficial photographer, painting the good shots, if you had any.

Unbeknownst to you, that's when both of you started to like each other.

Later on in the year, Tanaka and you had gotten close and became good friends, you had learned what you could about volleyball and could actually understand what he was talking about. Sometimes you had to scold him to do his homework, which your senpais appreciated. And he would do the same to you,  he'd "scold" you when you spent too much time in club but you then argued that there is never too much time in club which he begrudgingly agreed with.

You didn't see him much during the summer but afterwards when you met up you unconsciously blushed. He had gotten taller, maybe even hotter. But so did you. You had grown more into your body, getting a bit more curvier and losing some baby fat around your cheeks and chin. You both found each other attractive, but didn't say anything about. Both of you were certain it was just a silly one time crush.

It wasn't. 

You helped each other in certain classes the rest of the semester when needed and kept going to his matches. In turn, he came to your art shows because you were very talented and his friend. The volleyball team was one of your main projects you worked on a lot, trying different styles of drawing and colors and styles with all the different pictures you had. You enjoyed it and sometimes the other volleyball members would stop by to see how you were doing with the projects. They enjoyed seeing the two of you work together and hoped one day you two would get together. 

The volleyball team was aware that you two liked each other. It was obvious to everyone that you guys liked each other. Obvious to everyone but you and Tanaka. The first semester came to a close as the two of you got closer and closer together but neither of you admitting your feelings. It looked like feelings would have to wait, which the volleyball team was frustrated by.

As the second semester of your first year started, so did the intense club activities. The two of you didn't see too much of each other but when you did, you made it count. You hung out, watched movies, ate some really good food. You two were inseparable at this point. It pained the other volleyball members to watch you two not be together. They were frustrated you two couldn't recognize your feelings for each other.

You managed to make it to a practice game, since your current project was finished. You noticed that Tanaka was starting and you sat on the sidelines watching the game, this time not taking any pictures or sketching. Just purely watching the game, enjoying the intensity of the match. It was a decent beginning rally, but Karasuno was the first to score. It was Tanaka actually, who scored the first point. He got super pumped up and started yelling. You felt your eyes widen and your face flush.

This crush never went away. It was prominent now more than ever. A couple of the other members looked up at you and saw your face. They noticed that you had realized your feelings for the rabble-rouser. You cheered the team on and Tanaka looked up, flashing one of signature smiles and a thumbs up. You smiled and continued to watch the game, a little more intently now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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