Chapter 1: The Begginning of the End

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Grade seven is truly a different experience for us all. It's full of self discovery and memories that last a lifetime. It's the final chapter of our childhood and our introduction to the sad lowly caverns of our pre pubescent teenage years. Ah yes, what a wonderful way to spend our last days of childhood innocence. A wonderful experience for everyone. Except Jay Jay. You see Jayjay, like most preteens do at some point or another, is struggling with a case of middle school crush. But not just a crush on any boy. On his best friend Urmur. Jay Jays always known hes had a thing for guys ever since third grade where he started liking his friend Tristan. But that didn't last long. His friend group was pretty homophobic and he had learned quickly that he couldn't come out to them without being judged severely, so after liking Tristan he gave up on fancying any other guy. But Urmur was different. Something about him stood out to Jay Jay. Something no other guy had. Was it the fact he hovered over any other guy in his grade? Maybe it was the dark wavy hair that blew in his face everytime he ran. Or maybe it was those gorgeous hazel eyes that Jay Jay found himself getting lost in during class. Those beautiful glistening jewels embedded in his face. He could stare at them for hours on end, getting more and more lost until--
"Jay Jay?"
   He looked up and felt his teachers eyes burn a hole through his head.
"I said what did you get for 6b?"
    Suddenly Jay Jay was burning. He felt his face flush a bright red while he watched as one by one every pair of eyes in the room turned to look at him. Even Urmurs. Those dark, beautiful, hazel eyes--
"Jay Jay! Are you even listening?"
   His teachers words ricocheted in his ears, ringing louder and louder until they hurt.
   Jay Jay sputtered flipping to the right page of his homework while sweating profusely.
"You're not even on the right page Jay Jay. See me after class."
   His classmates let out a poorly concealed chuckle and Jay Jay dropped his head to his desk of embarrassment. He could feel tears welling up. He bit his lip to stop them. He can't be seen crying. Men don't cry. His friends enforced that unspoken rule hundreds of times. Crying is for girls...right? But Urmur saw him embarrass himself. Again. When will this hellish cycle be over? Why can't he just tell him how he feels? The tears came anyway one after the other. He wiped them away and sat up again, but out of the corner of his eye he caught Urmur staring. He had noticed him crying. He saw him cry. He put his head back on his desk for the rest of the class.

Ayo so i fuck him in the asshole TONIGHT DADDYWhere stories live. Discover now