Chapter 3: When the Realization Hits

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Urmurs POV:
   I walk down the hallway to find Jay Jay. He was told to stay after school for not paying attention in class. I caught the poor kid crying earlier. I hope he's ok.

   I plug in my earbuds and blast my playlist. Carti comes on. I get so invested in matching my steps with the beat that I get distracted and--


   Run right into the guy. Well thats one way to find him. I can tell he's mad. He gets red really quickly.

"Hey watch where you're going assho-" he yells, but I cut him off.

   "Woah sorry dude. Didn't see you. You good?"

   I continue to apologize. I feel really bad. Dude probably got his ass vocally whooped by our bitch teacher and I probably just mad his day worse.

   Out of no where he stopped picking up his papers and just stares at me, tilting his head. Shit he's cute. I look away but I can tell I'm already red.

   Wait no. I shouldn't be thinking about him like this. He's pretty much my best friend. Plus he's a dude. I can't like him like that. What would the other guys say?

   As I get lost in my train of thought I sense him staring at me. I look at him. I sensed right. I put my hands on his shoulders and suddenly I feel ecstatic. Or maybe fascinated? I can't describe the feeling. But I know I like it.
   "Helloo? Earth to Jay Jay? Dude I said it was cool already." I say while gently shaking him back into reality. He looks down at the massacre of papers and scruffed up spiral bound notebooks on the ground, then back up at me.

   "U-uh yeah i-its problem U-Urmur are you ok? I'm s-so sorry. I just stormed out of the c-class cause Mrs.Bitchface yell-"

    He continues to stutter like a little school girl. Its adorable. I crack a smile and then realize what I'm doing. Shit. But at the same time I can't look away.

   I've always thought he was kind of cute. When he gets all flustered and turns tomato red. But I can't be gay right? I mean I've only ever liked girls why would that change now. I snap back into consciousness. Fuck.

   "Me and the guys are fucking around and filming shit outside for my story." I say quickly changing the subject. I can't watch him stutter any longer. I'd turn as red as him.

   Then it hits me. Hard. In the head. Like a fucking rock. Holy shit. I'm so bi. Then I realize the advantage I gave myself. Fuck it now or never.

   "Wanna be in it?" I say, playing it off as if I don't really care about what he says. But please say yes. Please.

   "U-uh sure bro I'll b-be outside in a bit."

   Jackpot. I almost squeal. Ok maybe I'm not THAT gay.

   "Aight cool I'll see you there" I say and pick up his last paper and handing it to him. He grabs it from my hand, with his fingers millimeters close to mine. I can feel the heat they give off. It sends a shiver down my spine.

   I quickly turn around and walk down the hall, but I can still feel his eyes on my back. Shit was I that red? I start regretting everything I said. Fuck he totally knows I like him. Then I look back. He's staring at the ground. Just sitting there. Smiling. Huh.

   I disappear around a curve in the wall and drop down against the hard brick. I hate being bi, i think as a huge dopey shit eating grin forms on my face. Fuck you Jay Jay. Man, just fuck you. I hide my face in my hands.

Ayo so i fuck him in the asshole TONIGHT DADDYWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt