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+ CODES  << a code is a method used to encrypt a message that operates at the level of meaning; that is, words or phrases are converted into something else.

--The examples are letters,numbers,words,shapes, symbols and etc.,

+COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION PROCESSING << It is a system of rules to convert information such as a letter, word, sound, image, or gesture, into another form or representation, sometimes shortened or secret, for communication. 

It is a way to decrypt or revert the encrypted text into the readable form.

+ ENCRYPTION OR CIPHERING << It is the process of converting text to unreadable form using a secure encryption scheme and a secret key.

+CIPHERTEXT << Is a scrambled message resulting from transformations done on the plain text.

+ CIPHERS << form the basis of cryptography.This is the list of ciphers and codes, those that need a key for encryption-decryption process and also simple ciphers.

+ CRYPTOGRAPHER OR CODE MAKER << He develops algorithms and develops algorithms and systems that aim to keep data and information security.


Is the process used to solve or break a cryptosystem with or without a key.

+ CRYPTOGRAPHY << It is a study and practice of hiding or encrypting and authenticate information.

+ PLAINTEXT << This refers to the message in its original or decrypted form before transforming it into an unreadable form.

+ DOCUMENT  << Is any recorded information regardless of its physical form or characteristic.

+ STEGANOGRAPHY  << This is a technique used to hide information in plain sight by embedding it in a file such as a picture.

+ART AND SCIENCE  << This forms the basis of cryptography.

+ CRYPTOLOGY  << Is the mathematics, such as number theory, and the application of formulas and algorithms, that underpin cryptography and cryptanalysis.

+ ENCODING << To convert a message to a code.

+ DECODING <<  To translate a message into ordinary language from cipher or code.

+ TRANSLATION << It is a conversion of one language to another. 

+ CYPTOGRAM << This is an encrypted message complete with heading of message written in unintelligence text or language which implies/convey-hidden meaning.

+ CRYPTIC CODES << are series of letters or other characters with seemingly no meaning, containing a hidden message. This message is only available to those who know the cipher: the specific method to encrypt or decrypt the message.

+CRYPTOLOGY is derived from Greek words.

KRYPTOS which means HIDDEN.
LOGOS which means WORD.

Two Basic Principles  known for Cryptography:

1) SUBSTITUTION < altering the letters of the alphabet.
2) TRANSPOSITION < altering the letters of a text.


a. Written matters whether handwritten, printed or type.
b. All painted,drawn or engrave matter.
c. All sound and voice recording.
d.All printed photographs exposed or printed,film,skill or moving.
e. All the reproduction if the foregoing.


--Cipher changes a message on a letter-by-letter basis while
--Code converts whole plaintext words or phrases into other words or numbers.

There are four types of coding;

1) Data Compression (or source coding)
2)Error control (or channel coding)
3)Cryptographic coding.
4)Line coding.

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