Turn 16

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Before Carly pulled up outside the garage that doubled as mine, Yusei and Crow's apartment, Yusei had insisted on stopping off at the pharmacy to place my prescription in and wait to collect it. I also noticed that Yusei had pulled the brim of the hat he was wearing over his face and wires were  hanging from his ears. He was wearing his headphones. Then again, Carly had continued gossiping while in the car, and if I could have I would have done as Yusei had.

As Carly pulled up, Yusei was still in his own world. After Carly had helped me out of the car, I got her to open the car door that Yusei was sat next to. He didn't notice, his was head bowed, looking at his hands. I nudged Yusei lightly. He looked up, blinked because of the sunlight he had obviously not looked at for the whole car journey, since the pharmacy, and then when his royal blue eyes had adjusted to the light again, looked around and saw we were home.

"I see," Yusei said, smiling at me warmly removing his headphones, "we're home."

"Yep." I answered, as Yusei got out of the car with the duffle bag and my medicine. The three of us walked into the garage that was my home. We settled in the make shift communal area. 

"So, what you planning to do, Jack?" Carly asked from her place next to me. Yusei was sat on a chair oposite myself.

"I'm going to do as the doctor ordered." I answered with rye smile. "I am going to take it easy, so you don't have to worry, Carly."

"Besides, Crow and I won't let you break the doctor's orders, Jack." Yusei smirked taking the TV remote off of the coffee table and turning the TV on and putting a new channel on. "Hay, we haven't had any lunch, do you two want any before I have to go?"

"Sure Yusei." Carly answered with a smile. She seemed to treating Yusei better after Crow's talk, if you could call indifferent better, but then again, Yusei was being indifferent to her as well, like they were taking cues from each other.

"Thanks, Yuse," I smiled, forcing it to be no more than friendly, as Carly was watching me with adoring eyes, "where are you going?"

"To meet Akiza," Yusei answered with a wince, rubbing his shoulder, "to train."

"Well, don't push yourself too hard," I told Yusei, trying to sound causal, "don't injure yourself. After all we don't have another replacement duellist."

"I know." Yusei said getting up calmly, "Thank you Jack, for the concern, but you know me."

"Yeah, he does." Carly whispered bitterly, but we both heard her, I was impressed that Yusei hadn't snapped, "Old reilable Yusei. Sometimes it feels like all Jack ever talks about is you, Yusei."

"I would assume that is because we share a lot of history, Carly." Yusei reasoned calmly, lowering his eyes so that Carly didn't get a chance to see the blush or the emotional sparkle I had caught. "I'll get your lunches for you. I guess you would like drinks with it?"

"Sure, thank you, Yusei." I answered, getting up to follow him to our make shift kitchen, indicating for Carly to remain in her place since I wanted to be alone with Yusei.

Yusei went straight to our fridge and pulled some stuff out, then moved to our cheap coffee maker and started the coffee. I put my hand on his shoulder. He looked startled. He hadn't realised I had followed him. To anyone who didn't know him, Yusei would have appeared calm. But to me, he seemed tense, upset, even on edge, but also in control.

"I'm sorry for what Carly said." I apologised for Carly's words, "I didn't know I talked that much about you to her."

"What?" Yusei stammered, looking into my eyes with confusion, "I didn't take offence from her. She's jealous. I of all people know what that is like. It's fine. Also it's not you that should appologise. In fact I don't think there is anything to say sorry for."

"But, you seem tense." I informed Yusei, moving close to him, knowing Carly would remain in place, and out view, which meant that she couldn't see us. Yusei smiled a warm smile.

"Only you could look at me and see through my calm façade." Yusei sighed. "I'm just worried about training with Akiza. She isn't holding back with her psychic attacks."

"You don't like it do you?" I asked taking Yusei by the hand.

"No." Yusei whispered squeezing my hand in his and stepping closer to me, "I'm actually scared. You know what people would if the found out about this. That I can't control these powers properly, yet. That they will treat me like they treated Akiza, when she was all out of control. I'm scared that because of these powers, I will lose everything and everyone that I hold dear. And it hurts, Jack. I know its an echo of the pain that could come, but it hurts." Yusei had his free hand around his dampening choker, and his voice shook as tears brimmed over. Could this have been the reason that Yusei had put his headphones on in the car?

That didn't matter to me at the moment. What mattered to me was Yusei, crying again. I pulled him close to myself and held him in a tight hug, hissing as the pressure I caused the pain in my ribs flare. I ignored it.

"That will never happen, Yusei," I whispered in his ear, "not so long as I am alive. I promise that you will always have me. I just hope that would be enough. But of course I won't ever let it come to that. I will fight for you, or at your side, in all of this. You won't have to go through the same trails as Akiza. I won't let you. But it is also good to know you care, and might just have the beginnings of an ego."

"Thanks Jack, you don't know how much that means to me." Yusei half laughed, half sobbed into my shoulder, not resisting my hug, probably to prevent himself from causing me pain.

"So Yusei," I said releasing him a little from the hug, but keeping him in my arms, not caring that Carly was still in the next room, "you had better fight for this control. Do everything you can. Promise me, because I hate seeing you upset, or tense, or scared."

"I will do my best." Yusei nodded with a half smile. I knew that was the best answer I could get. Yusei turned in my arms, to the kitchen counter and started to prepare mine, his and Carly's lunches, I kept my arms around his waist, and rested my chin lightly on his head.

"I understand your fear, Yusei." I whispered into Yusei's hair, "You were there remember?"

"Scar Red Nova, the Crimson Devil." Yusei recalled as I pecked his hair lightly with a kiss. "I was scared for you, too."

"I admit, I was scared of the burning soul power that ties me to that Earthbound Immortal," I told Yusei, trying to help him with his problem, "but I knew in the moment that I had to face that fear, that I had to accept it as a part of myself. I could only do that thanks to both you and the Crimson Dragon. Thus I created the Scar Red Nova dragon. Therefore, I have some advice for you. Don't fear your power. Accept it. I know it isn't like your clear mind power, which you actually sought after, but in a way it has always been apart of you."

"Wow." Yusei chuckled softly as he finished making the sandwiches, "I never pegged you as a phillosipher. Thanks for the advice."

"Its been known to happen on occasion." I blushed. Yusei moved his head and body enough so that he could see my face, before giving me a sweet kiss that sang with his gratitude. I pulled him tight to myself again, deepening the kiss. Neither of us seemed to get tired of this, but I wasn't about to complain about that, despite the pain in my ribs flaring from the contact. Then all too soon the kiss ended and I had to let Yusei go free to finish making the coffee.

"I'll take the food and drinks, then I have to go." Yusei informed me.

"Then I'll consider that our 'see you later' kiss." I told Yusei making him blush as he put his lunch in a box. Yusei lightly tapped my nose with a finger, an affectionate smile on his face, before moving the food and drinks on to a tray and leading the way back to where Carly was sat. She smiled when Yusei bid us both farewell.

YuGiOh 5Ds: Accept me, accept us.(Pov of Jack Atlas)Where stories live. Discover now