Chapter 2

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I love her poems. It's so simple, beautiful and relatable. Check her out if you can.



Emilia's POV

"Here are your keys. Keep it safe okay? It's gonna cost you a lot of you lose it. Oh, and also, your roommate is already up there.", said the warden as she handed me my keys.

I was glad that my roommate came earlier than me because I wouldn't have to go through the trouble of deciding which side to take. I'm not that good at making decisions. And even if I ended up choosing a side, I'll be anxious if she would have wanted that side in the first place, so this is good.

My room was in the 8th floor, and I'm guessing it's going to have a nice view. After we got off the lift, there was a glass wall which flaunted the view from the floor, and my guess was right. It was gorgeous.

My college wasn't very far from home. It was an hour drive or so. But my dad decided I was too cooped up in my room and that I needed to make more friends. And he believes living I the college dorm is the best way to start. That's how I ended up in the dorm. I put up a fight but ended up with the compromise that I'd go home every weekend.

I walked over to my room my mom and dad followed with their hands full of my stuff. The door had a oval shaped golden sign which said 805. The door was not fully closed so I pushed it open.

A girl stood inside looking at her stuff which was all over the floor. Seeing the movement from the corner of her eyes, she looked at us. She had blonde hair which reached her waist and hazel eyes which which were glimmering with excitement as she beamed at us.

"Hi. I'm Chloe. Chloe Williams. Nice to meet you, roomie.", she said while jumping over to me and wrapping her hands around me in a big hug.

'Okay, I like her. Not so bad a start.'

"Hey, Emilia Wood. Nice to meet you too."

"By the way, I hope you don't mind that I took this side." I saw that a lot of her things were scattered on the bed which straight from the door.

About the room, it was actually pretty good. When you walked in from the door, on the left there was a door which I believe is the bathroom and on the right were two tall wardrobes. And then when you go further into the room, on the right, Chloe's side, there was a table with a lot of drawers, and beside it is the bed. Then onto the left, my side, was mostly same except I had a bit more wall because of the bathroom, and I was happy at that because I bought a lot of posters and polaroids. At the end of the room, was the window. It was pretty big and the view from outside could be perfectly seen from it.

"No. I don't mind at all.", I said. My parents walked in and placed my stuff in the room and greeted Chloe. Then they took off to roam around the campus. My mom and dad met in this college and they wanted to relive the memories, so I let them be.

I started by moving my clothes to the closet, as it was the easiest task. Chloe was also concentrated on unpacking and we formed an unspoken agreement to get to know each other after that.

After unpacking the only thing left was decorating the room. Chloe has bought a dark grey carpet and we laid that in the middle of the room. Then we put up the fairy lights I bought along the walls. She helped me put up my posters and I helped with her wall decors.

When we were done it was already afternoon and we decided to go get something to eat. We both walked to a restaurant near the dorm and ordered.

"Hey, I wanted to ask for a while, but that on your that...?", Chloe asked with caution not wanting to offend me in any way, and I wasn't either.

"Yeah. It's The Mark."

"Oh, and have you found that person yet?"

"No. Not yet.", I said and let out a breathy laugh. Of course it was a fake one. But she didn't seem to buy it. It was as if she could see through my facade of bravery that I put up. To my rescue, our orders arrived and as we began to start eating, a guy came upto our table.

"Hi, I'm Aron", he said with a sly smile as he eye raped her.

"What's your name, beautiful?"

Wow, it's not even first day of college and creeps were already hitting on her.

Chloe looked at him with a blank face. "First name is fuck and last name is off. Now of you don't mind, I'm hungry.", she says looking right into his eyes.

Some guys, who I'm guessing was the Aron dude's friends started laughing and Aron seemed shocked. Well, I was shocked too. The guy left with the same shocked face.

Chloe looked at me and I stared at her, surprised by the bold answer.

"What?", she asked me.

"Nothing. Just surprised at how good you handled that."

"Oh, I get so much that I'm used to it...not trying to sound cocky or anything"

"No. I understand", I say with a smile.

While eating, we started to get to know each other better. "So, what's your favourite colour?", Chloe asked.

"Really? Favourite colour?"

"You said we should get to know each other!"

"Still, favourite colour?", I asked and Chloe just stated at me blankly as if she was waiting for me to say it.

"Fine. Navy."

"Cool, nine's red. So when you get me my birthday gift I expect it to be red.", she said with a smile and I knew she wasn't joking.

"Okay....Now, favourite movie genre?"

Chloe wriggled her eyebrows and said,"Horror. Not the gruesome ones though, I'm not good with blood."

"Wow, okay. I'm a horror fan too."

We talked for a while and after we finished eating, we got up to get back to our room. We paid and started walking.

"Okay, my turn. This is the most important question, and our friendship could depend on this so be honest.", Chloe said with a serious expression.

'If she's about to say some homophobic nonsense, I'm finding a new roommate.'

"What first? Milk or cereal?"

'That's totally not what I expected, but okay.'

"There's only one answer, Cereal."

"I knew it. You have lived upto my expectations. I thought I'd have to apply for a new roomie. We'll get along just fine."

'Well, that we will.'


Hello, hoomans!

I know I brought up the most controversial topic in the world in here. I shouldn't have, and I apologize. (Milk after cereal is the only answer. Fight me.)

Go off in the comments people, that's what they are for. Got a haircut? Share. Met a cute guy, girl or non binary person that you maybe interested in? Share. Having an existential crisis? Share. You're sad? Share. Planning how to get away with spilling coffee on mom's favourite dress? Share.

Come on now, don't be shy.

So for now, Ciao.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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