Chapter 2 - The Akatsuki

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Not long after Hinata was kidnapped
- 3rd pov

The Akatsuki members known as Deidara and Sasori carried the unconscious Hinata on a giant clay bird to their headquarters.
(Just so ya know, Sasori is his normal redhead self. Not in a puppet.)

"Can't this go any faster? We don't want keep them waiting." The blood haired puppet master impatiently spoke.

"No, YOU don't want to keep them waiting. Besides, its not like they can get mad at us. We have what they want. So, we can take as long as we want." The androgynous, blonde haired boy replied.

"Of course YOU would say that. You are always late to everything." Sasori shot back.

"Sasori, my man, you need to learn to lighten up." Deidara replied nonchalantly. Their conversation continued like this until they reached their destination.

Hinata pov

"Quiet! She's waking up."
"Stop that!"
"Hey give that back!"
"Shut UP!"

Voices . . . Where . . Am I?

Slowly I opened my eyes as they adjusted to the dimly lit room I was in. I didn't see the Akatsuki members in the room until who I assume is the leader spoke up.

"Good evening, miss Hyuga." The man had orange-red hair with piercings through his nose, ears, and a two fang tattoos beneath his lips. "My name is Pain and I am the leader of the Akatsuki."

He must have seen the immense fear in my eyes because he then said, "Do not be afraid miss Hyuga, we do not wish to hurt you. I believe your name is Hinata, correct?" I nodded.

"W-w-where a-am I?" I quietly asked.

"Ah, right. Well, Hinata Hyuga, you are in the Akatsuki's secret base of operations. Welcome." Pain said.

"W-why am i h-here? Where a-are my f-friends?"

Pain sighed. "Hinata, your friends left you. Here look at this." He brought a computer over and on the screen I saw something that made me reevaluate everything I knew.

'We will report to Lady Hokage, then do what she orders us to. Understand?'

'Yes Kurenai sensei.'

They . . . Left . . . Me? They . . Left . . Me? They. Left. Me. On. Purpose. Rage and fear flooded my senses. How could they leave me? I was their teammate. Their friend! And they just left!

Pain pov

Yes. That's good. Rage. Anger. They left you . . . So why should you return? A smile crept across my face.

"You see, your so called 'friends' left you behind. Without even looking for you. So my men, Sasori and Deidara, decided to bring you here. In fact, if you want, we could train you to be stronger. That way, you can get your revenge." I said, still wearing my smirk. By now her eyes were burning with hatred.

"I would love that."

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