Chapter 11: Snowed In

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So this is definitely my longest chapter and I really hope you guys enjoy it! Also, I was going back into my other chapters and I realized all the typos...So, I am really sorry about that! Just ignore them or let me know and I will fix them and repost the chapters.

Another thing, I am starting school, but COVID isn't making it any better. I will have to see how this first week goes and then I might have to rearrange when I post. My family also received some dreadful news making it harder to update. Sometimes I wish I could go back to a kid where I was care free and just living a happy life with an amazing family. Anyone else?

Anyways have fun reading! And for anyone starting school, good luck!!!


Later that day I was discharged and Jacks was driving Ri and I to her house. At the hospital, Ri called her parents and convinced them to let me stay with them and they obliged immediately because of my current condition.

In the car, Ri and Jacks continued to talk, but I was distracted by other thoughts surfacing in my mind. I knew that the moment my aunt got home from wherever in the world she was that I was screwed. I have no idea what my aunt is going to say or do when she gets home, but I am not looking forward to it.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Jacks got a call over the bluetooth in the car. He answered immediately and I recognized it as Hunter's voice from the other night.

"Hey, can you be at my house in 15 minutes? Luke and Will are also on their way and will be over in a bit. We need a plan for the Medley Relay and the guys wanted to hangout."

"I can be there in like an hour....I have to drop Ri and Brina off because I had to pick them up."

"No, just bring them over here. I know Em wouldn't mind hanging with Brina and we can all do something."

Jacks turns his head towards me and I am a little hesitant to nod, but then I give in. I wouldn't be fighting tonight anyways because of how drained my body is, so I guess it will be okay. I will just have to make up for it later this week. And since when did he just start calling me "Brina"? Does that mean I should call him "Hunt"? Ugh this is too exhausting. I literally only have one friends and this is the reason. People are too much work. 

"Yeah, we will be there in 10 minutes." With that, Jacks ends the call and turns the music back up. Circles by Post Malone played on the radio. This was her favorite song...Alexa would always dance like nobody was watching and belt the lyrics out in the car. There are so many reminders of her everyday. They just pop up everywhere and it is so hard to move on. I wish she was here with me. I wish she never had to go through that pain. Honestly, I wish she didn't have to leave this Earth so early. Her voice replaced Post Malone's and a smile slowly made its way onto my face.

I saw Ri's face with worry lines asking if I was okay and I nodded to reassure her. She mouthed the word "Run" and I shook my head. I was really okay. At least I thought so. I haven't truly felt something in years so I guess I was stable. I guess I stopped feeling and just living on autopilot when my dad became disabled and when my grandmother was diagnosed. My mom had to take care of my dad and my grandmother. Leaving me with only my sister who also closed her self off. I had no one...

We pulled into the parking garage of Hunter's building and I got out recognizing the vehicles once more. As we were exiting the car I saw another car pulling into the garage. Two guys walked out both wearing jeans and a hoodie. Lucas exited the car and pulled an extra set of keys out. He opened the door into Hunter's house, so I assumed Hunter and him are basically brothers. Luke led the way until we got into the kitchen, the same one from yesterday. Hunter was in there with Em and they were making some hot chocolate for everyone. The smell of chocolate filled the kitchen and made my stomach grumble. It was now 9 o'clock and I hadn't eaten since yesterday night. School was canceled tomorrow because there was supposed to be a huge snow storm coming in overnight, so everyone was thrilled. The rest of the guys headed into the luxurious, but modern living room making themselves comfortable and scrolling through movies on Netflix. As soon as Emily saw me a smile appeared on her face and she skipped over to me. I picked her up and gave her a tight hug.

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