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We wait impatiently. Iida doubts my plan, but as of right now, it's a better shot than the other options. The door kicks open with a large slam, as a flat haired Bakugo stands in the doorway.

"Well!?" He yells. "Where is she?" His voice is shakey and his eyes are strained like he's fighting back tears.

"Todoroki, I don't think the doctor's will go for this." Iida adds.

"It's the only rational option." I reply.


Midoriya sighs. "Kacchan, maybe you should sit down."

"Maybe you need to shut up, Deku!" He says threatening him with a closed fist.

I step in between them. "Look, there isn't a lot of time and you aren't supposed to know this."

"Know what?" He crosses his arms.

"Last night, Haze was stabbed by the Hero Killer."

His eyes go wide and his mouth is agape. He furrows his brow at me. "This is the part where you tell me she's fine and she kicked his ass."

I sigh. "Not exactly. She bled out, a lot. And the doctors can't fix it. Even under anesthesia, her body fights anyone who tries to touch her."

"Well, give me some damn fire gear and I'll stitch her up myself." He says, walking towards the door. I grab his shoulder and turn him back around.

"Look, the doctors have decided they only have two options. They can send her back to Dorsey, since they already have the equipment necessary to deal with her temperatures,"

"Not an option." He states obviously.

"Or they're going to let her succumb to her injuries."

He looks confused. "Wait, you're saying the doctors, the trained professionals, want to let her die?" His knuckles tighten as little sparks go off in his hands.

Midoriya steps in. "Todoroki has a plan though and I think it'll work." He says as confident as he can manage.

He narrows his eyes at me. "And if it doesn't?"

I take a deep breath. "Then we're going to take her out of here and bring her to my father."

Iida stands up. "What? Are you crazy? There are police everywhere."

"I know." It's not the smartest plan, but it's all I've got. "But my father has connections. He should be able to find someone who help her."

"And if you get caught?" He asks.

"We won't." Bakugo answers for me. "I'll burn this whole place down, before I let them kill her or send her back to that torture chamber." He's incredibly intense. I doubt he's exaggerating, not for her sake.

We hear running coming towards the room as the Chief comes back with a few doctors.

"What the hell is going on here?" He asks. He looks down at Bakugo. "You're not supposed to be here. You need to leave." He reprimands.

"And you need to shut your mouth, Lassie!" He yells back.

"STOP!" I yell. "Bakugo is the solution to our problem. If he and I are in there with you, you can perform the surgery safely while she's awake."

Midoriya speaks up. "Todoroki is right. Bakugo can keep her calm. Not completely, but she is less likely to ignite fully if he's with her."

"And how is he supposed to withstand the heat she will still give off?" One of the doctor asks.

Go Beyond (Bakugo x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن