New life

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We are in Terrence car we talked a little getting to know each other . Then Angel started crying and coughing . I forgot to tell the cook she is allergic to tomato

Te:what's wrong
Me:her allegices as kicking in
Tee :ooh stay in with her the sun will heat her up I'll go to the pharmacy
Me: ok tnx

I toke my phone out and saw my aunt calling

Me :hey aunty
@@this is New York hospital is this Taraji
Me:yes it's her speaking
@@:I'm sorry to inform u your aunt is died from cancer
@@:I'm sorry ma am
Me:did anyone claim her body
@@:her husband
Me:oh tnx

NOOOOO NOO my mind screamed I started crying Terrence came in I wiped my tears

Tee:hey wats wrong
Me :noth-
Tee:don't tell me that

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