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We went to the aquarium when we went in i saw a shark and I turned around but Terrence held my arm and toke Angel placing his other arm around me . We saw the water life and too the zoo. Angel kissed the glasses with snakes Terrence laughed I just laughed to in amazing moment. We were about to head home from dinner when the press came Angel started crying she is very shy so Terry rushed to the car and put her in her car sit while I put on my sitbealt we were going home when a truck came and hit our car Angel started crying Terrence was also fine I tired to move I couldn't move or speak

Tee:heyyy you ok
Me: iiiiii
Tee: hey hey hey slowly

He took me and Angel out when i saw My Angel my grew tired is this how ppl feel when they die well I don't know I just want to rest

Me: pls take care if Angel

That's all I could say I heard sirens I blacked out

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