chapter 1-a

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After me and my classmates disbanded in the cafeteria, I headed back to my dorm. My dorm was at the end of the hall, for some reason there was a locker at the end of the hall. It was oddly large, but who would even store anything in there?

I opened my dorm, and it was surprisingly nice. It was just one room that served as both a sitting room and bedroom with simple wooden furniture, and a private ensuite bathroom, and had a monitor mounted on the wall from which I'm assuming is for Shapirokuma to give wake-up calls, night-time alerts, and other school announcements, it said something about those on my Monopad.

I sat on the edge of my bed, looking down at the floor. The floor was a deep, vivid blue. I looked up at the walls, it seemed to be wallpaper. The little designs had Hatsune Miku on it, similar to the ones on Shapirokuma's binder. The wallpaper was a strongly bright, red color. I felt like I was straining my eyes by just looking at it, so I looked over to the door. It was white, but the frame was black. I went up to lock my door, but I heard a deep voice outside, similar to Obama's. I held my ear against the door to hear what he was saying.

"This uh, does look like my uh, dorm." He was speaking to himself. I guess I had some free time, so I should talk to him now.

I opened the door, Obama was close to walking into his room, "O-Obama-chan!" I called out. He looked over to me, his dull expression became warmer when he looked over to me, I would expect The Ultimate President to have such a charming personality.

"I guess we have some free time, right? Would you want to hang out?" I gave a weak smile, hoping he'd say yes. My question hung in the air for a moment - "Uh, Yes, Mr, Uh, Reno. I'd love to spend some time with the uh, Ultimate Lucky Student." He nodded his head.

"You wanna hang out with me.. because of my ultimate? You're a real ultimate, I'm not." I looked down scratched the back of my neck. I felt Obama-chan place a warm hand on my shoulder. "Your luck can uh, get you uh, very far." I looked up, and smiled.

"Wow, thanks Obama-chan! Can you tell me what it's like to be president? Or is that secret information that someone like me can't know?.." I tilted my head.

"Er- it's been a while, but I can tell you the White House has uh, 35 bathrooms. But, even with so many uh, bathrooms, I'd still pee on the carpet. Michelle sure uh, hated when I did that." He chuckled. I didn't even think about that, but also, Obama-chan isn't highschool age, so why is he even here..?

"Oh, that's silly.." I say awkwardly, not knowing how to respond. "Oh, Obama. I was wondering, why are you here? Because you're, ya know, 59 years old.. so why did you get invited here?" I tilted my head.

Obama-chan took in a deep breath, "Well.. when I was in high-school, Inkei's Peak was just, uh beginning. I got invited as a reserve, uh course student, but then I uh, dropped out. I didn't want to be uh, apart of a school for ultimates if I wasn't talented. But then uh, when I got elected as president, I got an invite to go back to Inkei's Peak. But, I didn't want to go back to school while I was uh, President. So, I rejected the offer. But, after I was out of office, I looked back into Inkei's Peak. I spoke with someone.. who claimed to be the headmaster-"
Someone? Surely, it wasn't Shapirokuma!
"- and I got the title, Ultimate President. Then, they invited me to enroll in the year 2020. Now uh, I'm here."

Hm, so maybe ultimates aren't something you're born with - I had always assumed they were. But maybe they still were..? I should ask Obama-chan.
"Obama-chan, do you think you were born with your ultimate?" I asked. Obama chuckled, I guess that was a stupid question. "Mr Reno, I know you are only young, but that was a stupid ass uh, question."

I blinked, did the former president of the United States call my question a stupid ass question?
"If I never became uh, President, I wouldn't be The  Ultimate President. Now uh, let's talk about something other than ultimates." He suggested.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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