Chapter 4

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Nervous is probably an understatement, but then again, that's what everyone says. So maybe it is not so much an understatement as it is in overstatement. Nevertheless, first days always elicited emotions that were never all that welcoming in the first place. One of that being the nerves I am currently feeling.

Despite myself and my strong will to sleep in longer, I found myself unable to and so, I was up at six, packing my bag and downstairs in the kitchen by seven with a cup of coffee. My uniform was something I'd only ever seen in movies and television series: a plaid navy skirt with lighter blue lines forming their checks, everyone wore a white shirt and a tie fairly similar to the girls' skirts. There was the option of a blazer, cardigan or pullover and with the weather, I ended up opting for the cardigan.

Dad is still out of town and the more I think about it, the more I realize that he may very well have forgotten that I was starting at the high school here.

"You're up early." When Carmela walks into a room, you just know. You can tell. It's almost like her presence alerts you and you can't help but look at her. With her fair-skin and the dark hair and eyebrows making her light eyes pop, her age once again comes to question in my mind. Within seconds she's behind the kitchen island and the sound of the gas stove switching on is matched with the pan she places down. "Trouble sleeping?" She continues. And that's another thing. Within the few days that I've spent here settling in, I've quickly learned that Carmela doesn't pry. Not the way Adrian will openly do so (now that he's aware I'm not 'daddy's little princess'.) I can respect her for it.

"Something like that, " comes my response as I clutch the cup of coffee in my hands. "You're up early too."

She looks at me but doesn't answer immediately. Seeming to either not have noticed, or choosing to ignore the subject change, she nods. "Of course. I have to prepare breakfast in time after all."

"But my father isn't here. It's only the three of us, so you should be able to sleep in-"

"That, Cal, is never an option. Especially with you and Adrian back at school. It's really best I keep up my schedule so that upon your father's return, I will not fall back." Her voice gives away a quiver toward the end, like she's afraid. But of what? Of falling back? Of the consequences that came with falling back? Or maybe of losing this job, unless those somehow tied together of course.

Either way, I choose not to ask.

"So you'll be home alone then? What will you do?"

"I will find something to do. The house is peaceful and I get my work done easily enough."

"So you're a maid too, right? From what I picked up."

Her hands go still as she pauses. "I am." I want to ask more but she's back to cooking and another set of footsteps enter the room.

"Good morning, Adrian." She smiles in his direction.

Adrian grumbles what I can only imagine is a greeting in response as he slides into the seat beside me. There's a cup of coffee placed in front of him in the blink of the eye and he's taking sips of it as though his life depended on it.

Finding the entire situation amusing, I can't help but grin. "So, I take it the cheery ball of energy isn't a morning person?" I ask, directing my question at Carmela. As long as I've been around, he's been up before me. It's the first time I've woken up before him and I can safely say that it's worth the exhaustion I'm sure I'll catch up with during the day.

"So you've noticed," Carmela replies. "Yes, it is not until he's finished his cup of coffee that he actually becomes Adrian." I can hear the effort she's putting in not to laugh and it only makes the situation funnier.

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