Chapter 21

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One thing about Sawyer is that he's got charm.

It took all of two minutes before the receptionist let us out, insisting that it was fine and she completely understood because of course she'd been in school once before. It took another solid minute to convince her that there was no need to be calling our homes because we were heading there anyway so we wouldn't be worrying anyone; we said we would explain everything to their parents. She batted her eyes at Sawyer, flashed a toothy grin and let us on our way.

Which, by the way, I still have no clue as to the possible destination. After much debate, I ended up in the passenger seat, seatbelt on and tucked tightly in the corner of the seat and the door.

Occasionally he would look at me like I was mad to which I just shrugged off and turned away. Enjoying the view as we drove past homes and streets and kids playing and while I will definitely not be admitting it aloud any time soon, it's great. It's relieving and it's exactly what I needed.

When we pull into a parking space in an almost empty parking lot, I shoot him a questioning look. "Is this the part where you kidnap me and tell me you're the psychopath twin that is going to sell my organs for the cash you need?"

He looks at me for a moment before a grin plasters itself across his face. "Not today."

"Damn," I murmur. "Sorry to foil your plans."

He shrugs. "It's okay. I've got a back-up."

"Wonderful," I bite, trying my best to hold back on the sarcasm. I clearly don't do that great of a job with the way he looks at me, brow arched and smirk as wide as ever.

"Testing me?"


Without another word, he climbs out of the car. The door shuts behind him and for a moment, I watch as he makes his way to the front. He turns around, brows furrowed as he waits for me to make a move. Which I take as my opportunity to move, climbing out of the car and shutting the door softly before I fall into step alongside him. "Seriously though, where are you taking me?"

He tilts his head, considering me for a moment. "Why can't it just be a surprise."

"I mean, jokes aside, you could very well be a rapist or a serial killer. You could just kill me for the hell of it, you know?"

"You've known me for this long—"

"People have been attacked by friends they've known for years and neighbours they thought they could trust," I remind him.

"Okay, okay, valid point." He's got his hands in the air like he's surrendering and the action is almost cute, save for the expression on his face that says it's anything but surrender. "But I swear," he says, lowering one hand to his side while he places the other across his chest. "You can trust me."

We go on walking. Out of the parking lot and into a quiet little street just a few metres away from a busy road. As he walks, he glances every now and again, checking to see whether I'm still keeping up. After a few twists and turns (and after a walk through one of the malls), he pulls to a stop outside a familiar little fast food place.

I can't help the laugh that escapes. "You're taking me to McDonalds?"

He nods like there's no doubt in his mind, but it's his words that have my entire body stiffening on the spot.

"Nothing fancy," he starts, but it's like I'm hearing two voices. The words are just that familiar. I've heard them countless times before. It's like their voices have merged together because when he speaks his next words, it's like I'm hearing Cooper and Sawyer altogether. "I'm just taking you for ice-cream."

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