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Dating isn't really your thing but for some reason, you're currently stuck with some guy on a coffee shop.

Not knowing what to do and what to say, you decided to send a message to your friend, in secret.

'What should I do with this guy?' You texted first.

'Do whatever you like.' She replied.

Your eyebrows arched up at her reply. I can whatever I want, huh?

'Okay, I want to go home and finish this date right now. Can I do that?' You texted back.

Busy enough with what you're doing, you didn't notice that the guy in front of you was staring at you with his eyebrows meeting each other.

He was wondering why you're making faces while looking down at something.

Curious as to what you're up to, he stood up and placed himself behind you, quietly reading your conversation .

'Are you crazy? That date just started 5 minutes ago!' Your friend replied again.

'Bitch, this is really awkward. We aren't even talking.'

'Then go and talk to him!'

Your eyes widened at her suggestion, you quickly typed for a reply, 'Why would I take the first move? He's the guy!'

He blinked a couple of times before he left behind you and sat across you again.

Still not noticing what he did or whatever he's doing, you continued on exchanging message with your friend.

He suddenly forged a cough, "Ahem. Are you busy?"

After lifting your gaze on him, your fingers automatically stopped moving and your face started to heat up.

Embarrassed by the fact that he noticed you were doing something while he's literally in front of you, you quickly looked away.

His lips formed into a smile upon seeing you getting embarrassed by your own actions.

He straightened up and took a sip from his coffee, "The coffee here is great. This coffee shop is my favorite." he said as he put down his cup and looked at you, "Is this your first time here?"

Looking and darting your gaze back at him, you shook your head, "No. I'm always here."

His eyebrows met, "Really? How come I haven't seen you here before? How come our paths have never crossed each other?" he asked.

Hiding your phone inside your bag, you leaned back and crossed your arms and your legs. The mans gaze followed every move you're doing.

"Maybe it did. We just didn't cared enough to notice it." you told him.

He stared at your face for a while before he nodded and chuckled in agreement.

"I guess you could say that. But honestly, I'm a bit disappointed."

Disappointed? You blinked a couple of times before you opened your mouth to speak up.

"By what?" you asked.

Leaning back at his seat while looking at you, he took out his phone from his pocket. Waving it in front of you, he spoke up.

"I was a bit disappointed that you didn't find me as interesting as the conversation with your friend." he said.

Your eyes widened at what you heard. Wait what? How did he know that I was talking to my friend?

With your eyebrows meeting each other, you opened your mouth. But before you could even utter a word, he started to speak again.

"But the biggest disappointment was that I didn't noticed you before and haven't left a strong first impression on you."

Completely unprepared with what you heard, you felt your cheeks started to burn up.

Is this how it's supposed to feel? Is this right? Simple words aren't supposed to make you blush but why are you blushing?

With your face beet-red, you completely went speechless while staring at him.

Looking at your reaction and how his words affected you, he couldn't help but smile. He found it weird and amazing at how a woman could look as adorable and cute as this in his eyes.

Biting his lower lip, he forged a cough, "Ahem. So, I heard you didn't actually wanna go to this blind date. What made you change your mind?"

After hearing his question, you quickly shook your head and went right back to your senses.

"I-I was just curious. I wasn't expecting anything more than just talking, to be honest." you told him honestly.

After hearing your answer, he looked at his shoes and nodded, "I see."

Wanting to change the center of attention, you decided to ask him the same question.

"What about you? Do you actually go to blind dates?" you asked.

He lifted his gaze on you and smiled, "No. I don't. This blind date is my first. I don't like blind dates at all." he told you.

Raising your left eyebrows, you gave him the I-don't-believe-you-at-all look. This is his first? Really? No way.

Upon seeing your reaction, a chuckle escaped from his lips which made your other eyebrow arch up.

"I'm not lying," he said, lifting up his cup and sipping from it, "This is really my first, I didn't have any interest in dating. Not even in seeing someone."

Wanting to know more about his reason, you quickly followed it a question.

"So what made you change your mind?" you asked, eyebrows are still arched up.

Putting his cup down, he leaned back and stared at your face.

"I don't really know, to be honest." he said, "But after seeing you and talking to you, I do think that, Now, I finally do know the reason why I did and I don't regret any of it." he continued.

Unsure about what he's trying to say, you shot him a confused gaze and look. But you didn't bother to say anything as you were stopped and shut when he stood up, sat beside you and leaned closer.

Staring closely at your face and your eyes, he opened his mouth.

"Hey, wanna go on another date at another day and in another place?" he asked.

Feeling his breath brushing on your face, you met his eyes.

"W-why would I? I still don't even know your name and you want me to go on another date with you? Aren't you going too fast? Would you mind introducing yourself first?" you told him.

A sweet smile formed throughout his beautiful lips. He quickly held your hand and kissed the back of it which made your eyes widen and your heart beat crazily.

"My bad. Name's Choi Seungcheol by the way. Always at your service my lady. So, wanna go on another date with me?" he asked for the second time.

With your eyes and mind seduced, you gulped and quickly nodded, "Y-yes, I will." you answered.

Oh man, where will this blind date take you?

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