Taking The Battleground

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So I would like to share a Blog article Titled Brother John on Wordpress;

According to Brother John's Article-

These are the names of the mighty men whom David had: The Tachmonite that sat in the seat, chief among the captains; the same was Adino the Eznite: he lifted up his spear against eight hundred, whom he slew at one time." [2Samuel 23:8]

What many are calling spiritual warfare is quite elementary in the practicalities of life. Arming yourself with a table knife and challenging an army general armed with a 500 Smith and Wesson Magnum, the most powerful pistol in the world, to a duel is simply suicidal. Unfortunately, this is what we have in the Church and many are losing battles after battles, ending up being victims – and God is not happy about it at all.

David was a man of war. He had been fighting from his teens – fighting rejection from his family, fighting lions and bears in the woods; he fought Goliath, and had Saul chase him for some ten years, however, he had some relatively little known mighty men with him. One of those was Adino the Eznite, another was Shammah the son of Agee the Hararite, another was Eleazar, a man who fought until his sword stuck in his hand.

David's victories were not all about Goliath, his sling and five smooth stones. All the other men displayed unique qualities we can learn a few things from so as to truly win in spiritual warfare. One of these is taking the battleground. The man who takes the battleground wins the war.

Your eternity could hinge on whether you win or loose this battle. But I know and I am sure that you will come out Victorious

"I've seen that people whose light is getting brighter have come under a stronger demonic attack than ever before"  

So think about this, When you turn a light bulb on in the darkest of night, what does it draw? Darkness or Demons?

The quote continues, "Flies, mosquitoes and other bugs are literally like the enemy's tormentors. And the children of light are getting under a stronger demonic attack. These tormentors come to distract and put out their light."

You must know that the kingdom of darkness is full of lies, deception and diversion. The Devil thrives on diversion from the Truth. He and his savants always do their utmost to divert your attention and concerted effort from the main battleground, so that you do not experience true deliverance.

I shake my head when I see believers going for deliverance sessions for the umpteenth time, usually with the same issue as the very first time they started the sessions. I am not against the deliverance ministry in the Body, but unfortunately, it is full of misinformation and false prophets who take advantage of the weak and vulnerable.

Truth is never afraid of being challenged, because when you examine it from any angle, all you see is truth. But the same cannot be said of lies; it's full of layers or levels of deception and diversions, always having something to hide, because it does not want to be exposed.

Am I saying we should ignore the devil? Of course not, but most of the spiritual fight believers engage in, for those who bother to put up a fight, are in vain and Satan is busy laughing at our so-called spiritual warfare prayers. We have been deceived for too long!

It is no wonder God disappointedly states: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children." [Hosea 4:6]

Sad to report that many believers are praying amiss (James 4:3), declaring that they are in spiritual warfare with the devil when the real fight is taking place elsewhere and that with a different being entirely.

Another sad truth is that many sincere preachers are too lazy to seek the face of God, hence they borrow from the lies of false prophets or misconceived Biblical concepts based on personal opinions. They spend most of their time reading commentaries after commentaries instead of the real thing, the Bible.

So, what is the truth about spiritual warfare? Let us dig deeper into this spiritual warfare problem; through knowledge, we can apply wisdom and gain victory. "Wisdom will make you stronger than the ten most powerful leaders in your city." [Ecclesiastes 7:19 CEV]

"And it came to pass after this, that Absalom the son of David had a beautiful sister, whose name was Tamar; and Amnon the son of David loved her. And Amnon was so distressed, that he became sick over his sister Tamar; for she was a virgin; and Amnon thought it improper for him to do anything to her." [2Samuel 13:1-2]

This was an inappropriate desire and his emotions had got control of him, hence the sickness and distress. They were half siblings. Nonetheless, he could not get over the alluring beauty of his sister and wanted her at all costs.

Now Amnon had a cousin, Jonadab who was subtle – intelligent, cunning or skillful – and together they hatched a plan and it worked. They even used King David in the scheming and it made the perfect plan. But the aftermath wasn't.

"Then Amnon hated her exceedingly; so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her. And Amnon said unto her, Arise, be gone." [2Samuel 13:15]

In verse one, we are told that Amnon loved Tamar but in verse fifteen that love had suddenly turned into hatred. How can sexual affection suddenly change into hatred (1John 3:15), especially after the affection has been gratified?

Amnon was in a battle he lacked both strategy and armory to fight. He had already lost the battle when he started getting sick and distressed. Soon after what he thought was a victory in his quest, he was murdered in a revenge attack by Absalom, Tamar's brother.

Reference: Advance Spiritual Warfare by Brother John.

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