Lets frustrate the Devil!!

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".... for the prince (evil genius, ruler) of the world is coming. And he has no claim on Me. [He has nothing in common with Me; there is nothing in Me that belongs to him, and he has no power over Me.]" (John 14:30)

There is a place in God where you don't even need to fight with the devil. In that place, it is as if he is none existent. Now, I am not saying there is no devil or Satan or the accuser of the saints. He's very much alive and seriously dangerous. But there is a place where all thoughts of his existence diminish to the point that he accepts defeat over you, too.

Does this mean he will give up trying to steal from, destroy or kill you? Absolutely not; But, he knows very well that every attempt to attack you has grave consequences and defeat for him. This means that you no longer act on impulse but hears the voice of the Holy Spirit and act consistently with it. This behaviour will utterly frustrate his best efforts.

Jesus said the reason why the prince (schemer) of this world has no power over him was simply because he has nothing in common or nothing that belongs to Satan in Him."

There are three areas where the devil can make you have something in common with him; all he needs is a tiny bit. These three things, though inanimate in themselves, yet they have life in them; they have personalities. A tiny bit of any of these on a person is like a virus and within a short time, if it is not treated immediately, will lead the person aligning himself with the devil. All dough needs to rise is a little yeast!

These three are , and pride of life. I have written on before (click on that link to get them) and will write on matters of pride soon. My focus is not on those three. There is a higher level to these three or the devil; and that is the inability of the spiritual virus to work when it drops in the first place. I mean when the devil offers you any or all of these three spiritual viruses and NOTHING happens.

A Reaction Causes Change
In chemistry, we have what is called chemical reactions. So, what is a chemical reaction? Let us get some help from Wikipedia:

"A chemical reaction is a process that leads to the transformation of one set of to another. Chemical reactions can be either , requiring no input of , or non-spontaneous, typically following the input of some type of energy, viz. , or . Classically, chemical reactions encompass changes that strictly involve the motion of in the forming and breaking of , although the general concept of a chemical reaction, in particular the notion of a , is applicable to , as well as ."

An example is the reaction of sodium chloride (common salt) and silver nitrate. After the reaction we have a change. The original items have been transformed into other things or we can say the original chemicals have been denatured. This means there is a change when these two objects meet.

(aq) + (aq) → (aq) + (s)

So, how does this relate to us, I mean in the spiritual sense of it? The spiritual reaction that affects man.

Lust/Pride(aq) + Mind(aq) → Sin(aq) + Eternal Separation(s)

Where does this spiritual reaction occur in the person? It is the MIND. People who have often said the battle of life is in the mind are very true. When the devil loses control of your mind, it simply means he has lost his power of you.

This was Jesus' secret and it is the same for anyone who wants to ALWAYS triumph over the devil. But that also means there is a price to pay! You will suffer the loss of self-gratification. In essence, self will need to die.

There is no way self can be alive inside you that it won't seek gratification. Self is the devils magnet inside a human soul. Another word for self is the corrupt nature.

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