CHAPTER SIX- Where are we headed?

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As they leave from the back gate where cars arrive to pick people up, Eric Jiseok had an important phone call from Korea. His assistant manager Lee had a top-secret news for him. As Eric stood shook he felt as if the ground slipped from under his feet.


"Brother is what?"


"To whom?"

"Huh? What? To whom?????????" He suddenly shouted.

He couldn't believe in what he had heard just now

"Are you gone crazy? What are you saying?"

"How is that even possible?"

"Has father lost his mind? Has brother lost is mind too?"

'Just then Lia was on a phone call too'

"They did?"

She howled in a dark laughter.

"I feel pitiful for them. Digging their own grave huh?"

"But it's time to celebrate."

"Okay I'll talk to you later"

She ended her phone call turning behind she slowly walked towards a small dustbin tstshhhhhhhhhh.... She threw her cell-phone dumping it in the dustbin.

'While walking and humming in joy Lia sluggishly held her head up too take a look at Eric who was now close, standing just a few metres away,his back facing Lia while he was busy yelling at someone who had called him.'

"Does no one in this family has any ounce of pride left at all?" He shouted.

Eric was slowly moving ahead while talking on the phone.

In the next second Lia noticed something just above Eric's head.

She suddenly began walking faster towards him.

"I don't care do whatever you want to, but cancel this engagement" he continued.

"ERIC!!!!!" She yelled really loud in a distressed voice.

And his body stood still in goosebumps, he could hear the sounds his heart made.


While his phone still near his ear. As he gradually turned his head,then turning his body, but before he knew Lia was up front running an inch towards him and dashed against him hard taking both of them to the ground.

THUDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!! a loud noise disturbed the entire place.


A huge pool table crashed down the floor where Eric had stood before, The pieces of the ruined table went hither and tither around everywhere.

'Eric had now fallen down on the ground in a sitting state his legs stretched long while both of his palms rested on the ground. Lia fell on his lap facing towards him while her hands where on Eric's shoulder and her back that guarded Eric.Her eyes had screeched shut.'


But Eric was in a state of shock as he saw everything that had happened around him and how Lia protected him from a nearly death situation.

What had happened?

REWIND x25 <<<<

(25 minutes earlier)

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