My Protector Part 1

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I stared out the window as the rain started to pour. Its interesting how weather sometimes describes mood. My father was going on another business trip and I was not happy; neither was my brother. I went from looking out the window to staring at my lap. I let the music coming from my IPod just play. I had made a playlist for rainy days. I guess my father had sensed that I wasn't the happiest person in the universe.

"What's wrong, Rabbit?" he asks.

Rabbit was the nickname he gave me when I was a baby. That was the one thing that made me smile.

"Dad, do you have to go?" I ask.

"Yes I do, love. If I don't, I loose my job. Then we won't have anywhere to live." he says as he ruffles my hair.

I look at my brother in the back seat and he's air drumming with the song blaring through his headphones. He isn't paying attention so I throw a pretzel at him. He takes off his headphones and playfully gives me the evil eye.

"You've been throwing things at me the enitre drive here. You're gonna get it when we get out the car." my brother says.

As soon as he says that, we pull up to a hotel. I see big buses with names that I recognize on it in the parking lot. I get my things from the trunk while avoiding being hit by my brother.  When on the elevator, my brother and I have a slap war.

"Will you two cut it out?" my dad says.

I apologize while my brother blames it on me. My father leads the way to a room and knocks on the door. A huge man answers the door.  I recognize him and am not amused.

"Woah. You got Ryback to be Nicole's babysitter? Sweet." my brother says.

"You might as well have gotten Hannibal Lector to watch us." I grumble underneath my breath. My father hears that and plucks me in the shoulder. I look over and see none other than Dean Ambrose (AKA the Lunatic Fringe) about to go into his room. He looks over and gives me a smile and waves. I think his dimples are the most adorable thing. I smile, wave back and tug on my father's jacket excitedly.

"Why couldn't you get Dean Ambrose to watch us?" I ask. My father looks down and gives me a look. "Why? So you could drool ever him?" my brother says. Then my brother decides to get revenge from me throwing stuff at him. "Hey Dean. Nicole loves you!" he yells. Dean chuckles and goes back for searching for his key which he somehow managed to misplace. I look at my brother angrily and he's laughing.  I tackle him and pin him to the ground.

"Get off me! Dad help me out!" He flips over and has me pinned.  We keep going back and forth with me being the dominant one.

My dad shakes his head and brings our luggage into the room. "You raise some weird kids, Rob." That's the first words I've heard this man say besides "Feed me more" and "Finish it".  "Well now you have the honor of watching them, Ryan." Me and my brother stop fighting after  Dean pulls me off. I take an opportunity and hug him. He laughs and hugs me back.  "I guess your a fan of mine." He gets on one knee so we see eye to eye. "You seem like a tough girl. Seeing how you tackled your brother. Ryback here told me how he's gonna be watching you guys for a while. Just tell me if you need anything and I'm here for you." He gives me a smile that only he can give.

"I think that's Ryan's job." I hear my father say. Dean stands back up nods as if to say he understands and holds out his fist to me for a fist bump. My knuckles touch his and jump up and down excitedly. "Oh and just for the heck of it..." Dean bends down and kisses my cheek. "Hope to see you at Raw." He walks down the hallway and goes into the elevator. 

I try to walk into the room and stumble over my feet.  My father catches me and chuckles softly.  "Are you okay?" I nod shakily and smile. He looks at his watch and then back at me.

"I have to go now, Rabbit.  But I'll call you when I get there." He smirks and kisses my forehead.  "Andy, take care of your sister and listen to what Ryan says." he says before hugging my brother. My father leaves and we go to the window to watch him drive away.

" you guys like pizza?" Ryan asks.

"We love pizza. I could use something to eat. What about you, Nikki?" my brother says. I don't feel like saying anything and nod. Ryan orders us pizza and Andy devours 4 slices while I poke at mine. "Are you okay, Nicole? You barely touched your pizza while your brother here is about to finish a box."

"I"m not really hungry." I say and slide off my chair. I get my IPod and walk away. I go into the bathroom, lock the door and sit on the floor. I put my headphones in and let my playlist continue. I pull my legs close to my chest and start to cry. I end up falling asleep and wake to Snuff by Slipknot. 

Bury all your secrets in my skin
Come away with innocence
and leave with my sins
The air around me
still feels like a cage
And love is just a camouflage
for what resembles rage again...

I hear a knock at the door and a surprisingly soft voice.  "Hey, are you okay?" I pause my music and clean up my face. I open the door and see Ryan standing there. "I'm fine." I walk around him and sit on the couch next to my brother who's watching TV. I hear Ryback sigh and he goes into his room. I fall asleep and wake up to loud snoring.  My brother doesn't snore so I look over to the cracked door. I shake my head and laugh softly. I roll back over and go to sleep.

My ProtectorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora