And this is one

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JumpingBean_Pheebs asked What's your favorite color?

I like green and blue, but specifically turquoise

fearlessxspinjitzu asked As a writer/reader, what are your pet peeves of fanfiction?

Mainly if multiple characters' dialogue is all in one paragraph, I loose track of who's talking especially if it's one set of dialogue after another. I try to read stories like that but I can only get through one part before I give up, I hate doing it if the story is good.

And What celebrity would you like to meet?

I would love to meet either MatPat or Markiplier, I know they're YouTubers but I look up to them more than I do movie or TV show celebrities

auqagin asked What's your least favorite Hogwarts house?

Gryffindor, not because I'm a Slytherin. I just hate when people who haven't taken the quiz automatically go, "Oh I'm definitely a Gryffindor." Give love to the other houses, don't be like Harry. Okay maybe I'm a bit salty that almost my entire family are Gryffindors

How many siblings do you have?

5, 4 brothers, 1 sister. Thankfully they're not all in the same house, two brothers on my dad and step mom's side, the other three on my mom and step dad's side.

Would you rather kill someone with a knife or a gun?

It depends, if I'm being forced to kill someone close to me, a gun. Someone I hate, a knife, it's more, personal.

Are you actually a male that pretends not to be a male?

I have no idea where this came from, but no, I'm a cis Female, I do have tomboy tendencies from my best friends, and long time friends, being guys.

So those were mainly about me but questions for Carter, Emmy, and Emily will remain open if you guys want to learn more about their stories, I'll answer any other questions in the comments.

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