Chapter 2

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Caleb's POV

(2 year's ago, first year of highschool)

Every time the girls have soccer practice, us guys will normally sit out on the outside bleachers. Us guys have our soccer practice after the girls normally, so it just makes sense for us to stay and watch, It's not like we don't mind, we like to say " the soccer field is just so pretty, the views are so gorgeous"  what can I say??? That field has some sexy views. 

But for me there is one girl imparticular, number 7, she wears her hair in a tight pony tail, that goes down to her mid back,  Her dark brown hair makes her bright green eyes look even brighter, her slightly tan skin tone makes her look like she is a model, she is probably about 5"5 and she looks perfect, everything about her is perfect.  

I Know she has a brother Finn , Finn is on The football team so we don't really talk much, but I know who he is, I mean everyone knows who he is. But he and his sister don't look anything alike,  Presley has dark brown hair, whereas Finn has dirty blond hair, Finn has duller eyes whereas Presley has bright vibrant eyes. 

The Girls had just finished there practice and us guys were starting to walk over to the field, the fabulous 4 ( as us guys like to call them, Presley, Chloe, Tori and Ivy) were walking towards the bleachers. I started to walk a bit faster, leaving the group of guys so that I could go say hi to the girls, I was only a few paces in front of them, and Presley had been walking backwards, I am almost right in front of them when presley misses her footing and trips, I guickly put one hand on her  back and my other hand on her arm so that she doesn't fall. 

once she regains her balance she whirls around and Stares at me, her face bright red. I smile at her and I can see the colour rising to her ears.  She still has an embarrassed look on her face and she looks as if she want's to hide under a rock. I catch her glance at where the other guys are only a few paces away from us, The guys look over at me and I can see the perplexed look on there faces. Now it's my turn to turn red, my hand is still lingering on her back and I can feel my ears go warm.  

I do a small smile as the other guys walk up to the girls and I. 

" Hey girls" Nathan one of the other soccer player's say, to the group of girls.

"Hey, How are you guys?" Chloe asks, shifting her weight onto her other leg.

" Were fine, don't know about him though" Austin  says giving Me a little punch on the shoulder. 

"What ever"  I say still with a goofy grin. I glance back over at Presley and her gaze is still on me

"what about you presley?" Tori says poking Presley, Chloe then starts poking her as well, and soon all 3 girls are poking and teasing Presley, Finally they stop. 

" So Presley, how was your conversation with Caleb?" Josh asks who is another one of the soccer players. Presley's face goes bright red. I smile slightly.

"you're a little red" I say with a smirk on my face

" No i'm not" presley says also smiling. 

" UGh you too should just date each other already!" Nathan says

"they sooo should!" Chloe agrees.

" DATE! DATE! DATE!" Blane another soccer player chants. 

soon everyone on the girls and boys soccer team is surrounding us and chanting DATE! DATE! DATE!  

" Okay I think they have had enough torture for right now" Tori says. 

" Thank you!"  presley says with a sigh

" oh that doesn't mean your off the hook miss! Cause when we get to your house, I'm gonna keep bugging you!"

" UUUUGGGH!" I let out. knowing that she will never give up. 

" Hey, sorry but I gotta run, my mom just bought a pizza, and if I want any then I gotta get home before my brother does"  blane says putting his phone in his pocket, he waves and then jogs downs the road as he heads towards his house. 

"speaking of food, does anyone have any ideas on what I should have tonight? I swear if I have to eat another grilled cheese I'm going to go insane" I say

Presley glances at the group,  I'm guessing they are  going to bug presley and I for the rest of our lives. Presley glances at me and with a smirk on her face She says

" I  know something you could eat, it's something My mom made "  

The group glances at me and then at Presley wondering why she is smirking. 

" oh really??? what is it?" I asking 

Nathan suddenly looks as if he realizes what she is about to say, His eyes go wide and he looks right at her , he snickers and then tries not to burst out laughing. Presley  looks directly at me and smirks

" Me" she  says still smirking and  not breaking eye contact with me 

I hear a few people gasp and everyone is staring at me and Presley. 

I  now have a smirk on my  face , I hesitate only for a second before saying

" Let's go then" I say  still smirking, 

Hey guys I hope you liked this story so far! I'm looking forward to hearing from all of you! Stay safe,happy and healthy everyone!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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