Part Twenty-Nine

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Avery didn't talk to her father much after their last conversation, which really wasn't all that surprising. I just wished she hadn't stopped talking to me as much after that, too. I felt a little lost in all of this, in all honesty. However, I had to continue to work on what needed to be done. The bandits were still out there and I had yet to defeat them. My mother had encouraged me that I could do this. Regardless of what my current situation with Avery was, I needed to do this. I needed to do this so that I could make my mother proud. It was so that I could fulfill my own wishes as much as I fulfilled her wishes after death, too. 

I wasn't about to let her down, as far as that was concerned. 

Things did feel slightly more difficult though, admittedly, when I kept thinking about my last kiss with Avery. It was safe to say that I was moderately distracted. Avery had kissed me and that had been when everything had changed. Now that she wasn't talking to me I didn't know how I should feel. I couldn't process things without her. I would just have to talk to her later. Not to mention, she had told me she loved me. She really loved me and I loved her too. I didn't want her father to cause this rift between the two of us. 

I knew that he didn't agree with our plans, but I couldn't allow him to drag Avery away from me. 

Andreas was her father, but it certainly didn't seem as though he supported his own child. 

I couldn't help but feel bad for Avery. It didn't surprise me that she had left, in all honesty. Now, she wasn't talking to either one of us because Andreas had caused a conflict again. Of course, I just had to remind myself that wasn't the only conflict that I needed to be concerned about. The bandits were still out there, and as a soldier in my father's army I had a responsibility to stop them. 

I just had to work hard and keep my mind focused, no matter how distracted I was currently. I walked out to the training yard with my dagger and bow and arrows and just started to fire at the targets in front of me. I knew that I could fight off the remaining bandits. I was determined to do so. 

"Is everything okay?" my father asked me, as he joined me in the training yard. 

"What? Why do you ask?" I replied, as I threw a dagger right into the forehead of the training model. 

My father's eyes widened at me in his slight alarm. 

"You're throwing knives. You only ever seem to throw knives, if I recall correctly, when you are upset about something," he said. 

I exhaled in annoyance then, as I fired an arrow at the model in front of me. 

"Well, I am upset about something dad! Avery's father is causing trouble for the both of us," I told him. 

My father sat down on the bench nearby, then, and pat the spot next to him to get me to go and sit with him. 

"Ah yes, Andreas. I should have known that he was causing difficulties," said Harold. 

"Yeah. No kidding," I stated. 

"Listen, Haven. I admire you as my daughter so much. I know that you are strong enough to get through to him. With Avery by your side, too, I know that you most definitely are. You just have to keep working on it. You're efficient and well-organized just as I am. I know you'll come up with something and if not...I'll fight him," my father said. 

I released a gentle laugh at that statement. 

"Dad. You can't just go and fight Andreas," I said. 

"Who says that I can't do that?" he returned. 

I felt myself smirking, feeling slightly better about this whole situation. 

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