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I roll out of bed and drag myself to the bathroom for a shower, after my morning routine, I decide to wear just a simple summer dress with sandals and a straw hat, now I really look good, if anyone can't see that, they are probably blind. I take my sun glasses and a handbag before I make my way out of my hotel room.

"Good Morning, ma'am." Oh, that is the room service.

"It is a very good morning, isn't it?" I smile as I disappear down the hallway making my way to the elevator. I make a mental note to myself that, I should stay positive.

This has to be the best looking mall that I have ever seen. Germany has to be one of the best places that I have ever visited and, it is the best decision that I have ever made.

"Guten morgan." Oh, that means good morning in German, I learnt that the first month I have arrived here. You see! Even people here are the nicest people one could ever hang around, pity I have not made friends, but I am totally fine with that. Anyway...


I am at one of the clothing stores and I have a basket on my hand, throwing in the clothes that I have picked but, I cannot find the bikini that I want. I walk around the aisle, keeping my focus on the shelves until I bumped into someone or more like we bumped into each other, making the basket fall off my hands.

"Oh, I am sorry... I can be very clumsy at times." He chuckles, I crouch down to get my things, he helps me out.

"Don't be, we are both at fault here." You can never miss the German accent when he speaks. We both got up.

"Thank you." I give him a warm smile.

"I am Austin, and you?" He stretches out his arm for a handshake, I accept it.

"Nice to meet you Austin, I'm Loraine." This a very handsome man here.

"You are not from here are you?" I shake my head, implying no. He stares at me for a while, I drop my eyes.

"Oh, Uhm... I have to go now." I turn on my heels, walking away when he called me, I turn back at him.

"Would you like to have lunch with me?" With you handsome, of course I would.

"That would be very lovely but, I do not want to impose." Giving him a little run around, nothing personal.

"Come on, I am inviting you here in fact, I am not taking a no for an answer."


I have been saved from have another lonely lunch, if not dinner by this man here. I have realised that, you can have all the money in the world but, it can never buy you the happiness that you want and I totally relate to that. It gets very lonely going to bed everyday having no one to call family. I am the damsel in distress.

"So, where are your parents, friends?" He asks tossing a bolus of his meal into his mouth.

"Uhm, my parents died in a car accident, two years ago and my friends and I separated."

"Oh, I am sorry to hear that." I shrug.

"No, it's okay. Enough about me now, tell me about yourself." He laughs.

"What about me?" Yes, what about him exactly?

"Who is the woman behind that smile?" Did I just indirectly ask him if he has a woman?

"Are you asking if I have a woman in my life?" I bite my lower lip and look down on my plate. "Yes, I have the most beautiful woman in my life." I gasp.

I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER-AND SO WILL HE!Where stories live. Discover now