A smugglers life part 2 from the artist and the jedi

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Ezra POV.
Me and Sabine left the rebellion a while ago and have since had to resort to smuggling. On one trading mission we came across the Ghost.
We decided that since we finally had enough fuel to get out of the outer rim, we would go to the inner rim to try and find Hera so that she could be reunited with her ship. Me and Sabine had just jumped into hyperspace after getting off of the planet lotho minor. The first place we went to look for Hera was where she had always said that after the war she wanted move to with Kanan and start a life which was Naboo. After being in hyperspace for about 2 hours we landed the ghost just outside the Capitol city on Naboo and the  started to look for Kanan or Hera. Sabine saw Hera before me and yelled her name Hera then spun around recognizing the voice and ran over to us with tears in her eyes. At this point me and Sabine had started to cry as well. When Hera got to us she hugged both me and Sabine and then called Kanan to come to our location quick. After about 5 minutes of waiting Kanan and I felt each other's presence for the first time in years. A few minutes later I saw Kanan and we all started running to him. After everyone was done hugging and crying Sabine told them to follow us and that we had a suprise. It took us all about 5 minutes to walk from the center of theed to the ghost but when Hera saw it she was crying again grabbing Kanan and running back to the ship that for so long she had called home. Somehow as soon as Kanan stepped foot on the ghost he knew what it was and they both asked us how we got the Ghost.

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