The First Clue

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Rosé: Okay, I see what this guy is playing. So this is like a game I saw before. There is this detective and he was put on an adventure to find these clues and these clues eventually led him to find the guy. If BB wants to be caught, he won't release the songs.

Jennie: But this isn't a game Chaeyoung, but you just might be onto something. I have read some crime articles saying the bad guys want to be caught sometimes.

Jisoo: Well if he wants us to play his little game, his first clue has to be somewhere in this house. If he didn't, then there would be a second letter then. Lisa was there any other letters.

Lisa: No. There was nothing else important in the mail, just junk mail. But, you do have a good point Jisoo, the clue has to be here. Jisoo, check upstairs, Rosé check downstairs, me and Jen can look around the rooms around this floor.

The other Pinks agree with Lisa's plan and they go searching for the first clue. After Jisoo and Rosé both look the upstairs and downstairs, they regroup with Jennie and Lisa.

Lisa: Any luck you two?

Jisoo: No

Rosé: Nothing

Lisa: We had no luck either.

Jennie punches the kitchen table and looks outside the window.

Jennie: I hate this.

Jennie starts to cry.

Jennie: We finally have the chance to do our thing and it's just gone.

The others comfort Jennie.

Rosé: We'll get them back.

Jennie then sees something outside the window and runs outside. Jennie looks at the grass and sees flowers on the ground in a shape of a heart.

Next to the flowers, there is a rock with a envelope underneath it

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Next to the flowers, there is a rock with a envelope underneath it.

Jisoo: THE CLUE!!!

Jennie: Thank God

Lisa: Well let's open it up and see if there's a letter inside.

Jennie: My emotions can't take this.

Rosé: I'll open it.

Rosé opens the envelope to reveal a letter with a heart stamped on it. Rosé then reads it to the Pinks.

Congratulations on finding your first clue. I hope you love the flowers I bought you. This game is making me hungry. Are you hungry as much as I am? If you go to get a quick bite, you'll find the next clue.


Everyone looks at Rosé

Rosé: What are you looking at me for?

Jennie: Where is the quickest restaurant from here?

Rosé: There is one about two miles away

Jisoo runs to her car, everyone follows her.

Jisoo: Hope in

Everyone gets in the car

Lisa: This is gonna take all day ain't it.

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