Home Is Where The Hate Is

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      You got home around 8:30 P.M. Your parents greeted you with a cold glare as you walked through the door. "Where have you been for the last three hours (Y/N)?" your father asks. You look at him and can tell that he's drunk and that your mother is going along with it. "I've been at the park like I said I would be." you replied. "No need for the attitude, go to your room and don't bother coming down for the rest of the night." said your mother with a stern look on her face. You hung your head low and walked to your room. You shut the door quietly and pulled the music box out of your pocket. "Are you okay dear?" a voice said in your mind. You jumped slightly at the voice. The voice was soothing, deep, warm. Like honey in milk. You closed your eyes and shook your head. "My name is Laughing Jack, but you can call me either LJ or Jack. I am here to help you escape." he said. "Escape? How do I escape from here?" you asked. "Say my name three times to free me from this box and I'll help you." LJ replied. You sighed deeply, "Laughing Jack, Laughing Jack, Laughing Jack." you whispered. Suddenly, a tall clown-like being appeared, sitting next to you. You looked at him and could see his midnight black hair, a black and white cone nose, and piercing blue eyes. LJ looked at you and it felt like he was staring into your soul. You looked away. "You aren't scared of me?" LJ asked. You shook your head. "I actually think you're pretty cute." you said. Jack looked surprised. You immediately realized what you said and turned a deep red color. "So how do I escape?" you asked, trying to change the subject. "Pack everything you need, I'll be taking you to a place where you will be appreciated and wanted." is all LJ said to you.

Laughing Jack x Female Reader SmutWhere stories live. Discover now