You're Going To Have To Share

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     You felt little hands wrap around your waist as you fell to the floor. You looked down only to see a small brown haired child clinging to your shirt. You felt the child lift herself up off of you and saw her run towards LJ. "JACKY, TOBY WON'T GIVE ME ANY WAFFLES!" she screeched. "THEIR MY WAFFLES, I P-PUT THEM IN THE MICROWAVE AND M-MADE THEM FOR ME!" you heard a voice stutter. You got up off of the floor and picked up the duffel bag , suddenly noticing that the blood from your clothes got on the white tile. Jack picked the little girl up. "Sally, Toby might make you some waffles if you ask him nicely." he said, putting the child back on her feet. "Also Sally, can you gather everyone to the living room please, including Slendy?" he asked sweetly. Sally nodded and ran down the hallway. Soon about ten people including Sally came into the area Jack and I were at. Some were wearing masks and some looked normal except for the scars on their faces. One of them was about ten feet tall and had no facial features. He was wearing a suit and was very thin. "(Y/N) this is Slenderman. He is the head of the house." LJ said. 

"Hello child. As LJ has said, my name is Slenderman." he spoke to you. You waved at him and smiled, "Nice to meet you." Slenderman seemed to look at Jack and said "Jack, we don't have any rooms open for her so you are going to have to share your room with her since you brought her here. But first we shall all introduce ourselves to each other. Jeff you may start." The boy that had two scars cut into a smile on his cheeks stepped forward. "My name is Jeff, my weapon of choice is a knife and I think you'll like it here." he said. Then the boy with the blue mask that had black dripping out of the eyes stepped forward. "Hello, my name is Eyeless Jack, not to be confused with that clown who brought you here, my weapon of choice is a scalpel and you may call me EJ." he stated. The line went down, and soon everybody introduced themselves. Sally, BEN, Toby, Masky (Tim), Hoodie (Brian), Jane, and Clockwork introduced themselves. Now it was time for you to introduce yourself. "Uh, hi. My name is (Y/N), I don't know what my weapon of choice is, I need to take a shower because I am covered in the blood of my parents and when Sally tackled me some of it got on the white flooring." you said pointing to the blood on the floor. Everyone smiled. "I-It's okay to get a little blood o-on the floor. It w-wouldn't be the first time." Toby said. "Yea, that's why the flooring is tile and not carpet." BEN said. "I'll go get a mop." said Masky. Masky went out of the room and disappeared down the hallway.

 "Can someone show me where the bathroom is so I can wash all this blood off of me please?" you ask. LJ stood up and grabbed your hand, leading you up a flight of stairs and down a hallway. Both of you stopped at a black and white painted door. LJ opened the door, turned on the light and led you inside. You looked around at the decor. The king sized bed was decorated in striped pillows and black blankets. A Victorian style mirror lined the wall closest to the bed. There was a tall dresser pressed against the wall next to the mirror. A desk was placed in the opposite corner of the room. Jack led me to another door and opened it. "This is the bathroom in my room, the bed will be yours since we have to share a room. I'll just sleep on the floor. I'll clean out half the dresser drawers for your clothes and stuff. You can put your toiletries wherever you want in the bathroom," Jack paused for a breath, " here is a clean towel for you to dry off and a clean wash rag. There is shampoo and body wash in the shower, it's men's though, I hope you don't mind. I'm going to leave now and give you some privacy." he finished. "Okay, thank you Jack, for being so nice to me. No one's ever showed me kindness before." you said, smiling at him. You waved goodbye at him as he left the room. You went into the bathroom and closed the door, locking it behind you. You grabbed a fresh pair of clothes out of the duffel bag and set them on the toilet seat. You gently stripped off all of the bloody clothing and placed them in the sink. You turned on the shower and waited for the water to heat up. As soon as the water was warm enough you got in.

The water was just right, you wet your hair and grabbed Jack's shampoo bottle, pouring a little into your hand. You started lathering the shampoo into your hair until bubbles appeared. You scrubbed your hair for a few minutes before rinsing out the soap. You washed your body with Jack's body wash and then rinsed off. Then you turned the water off, getting out of the shower. You dried off with the towel that Jack gave you and put on your clean clothes. You unlocked the bathroom door and walked out. You sat on the bed and dried your hair. You heard a knock on the door. "Come in." you said. You hear the door open and see Jack come into view. "It's time for sleep, it's almost 12:00 PM." he said. You didn't realize that much time had gone by. "Okay, are you sure you want to sleep on the floor? You could always sleep in the bed with me." you said, blushing. You finished drying your hair. "I don't want to be by myself." you said. "I guess I'll share the bed with you so you aren't lonely." You got up to hang the towel up to dry. You heard Jack pull back the blankets for you as he climbs into bed. You walk over to the bed and climb in, covering yourself with the blankets, adjusting the pillows to make them more comfortable. You close your eyes and tell Jack good night. You quickly fall asleep.

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