Rules and Application

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1) Be patient with me. Like all the characters in this story, I am a university student and can't just constantly sit and write. And unlike my old schedule, I will not be writing this entire story beforehand because then it will literally be months before anything comes out.

2) Yes, these roles are cliche but please read the description of each character beforehand so there's at least kind of an understanding of the expectations for each role. I also provided an example of a character who I believe fits this role.

3) Make unique characters! It's way more fun when everybody is different. As well, this story NEEDS both male and female character to function. It wouldn't work if everyone was either a guy or a girl. But saying this, characters don't need to fall into the gender-normative roles. The Jock doesn't necessarily have to be a guy even though it stereotypically is and the Slut can be a male even though it's commonly a female.

4) Feel free to apply to two or three characters if you're interested but know that just because one gets picked doesn't mean all of yours will.

5) Be descriptive! I can't read your minds so the more information you give me, the less I'm going to have to ask questions.

6) Password will be your favourite scary stories podcast.

7) I am uncertain if there will be character death. I'm on the fence. However, if characters die, I will be using a random generator to select who dies and who survives. A max of five characters will be killed if I choose to include character death.

8) One character will be randomly selected for a special role. If your character is selected, I will message you to tell you. If your character does get the special role, it is between you and me only. Please do not tell anyone and please be prepared to communicate through the book.


-The Best Friend-
Either the love interest or the best friend of the final girl. Usually is a kindhearted character who is intensely loyal to the final girl. They can be assumed to be the killer or responsible in some way. They will likely act in a protective role, though they can usually make it quite far completely unscathed at no skill of their own.
(Trevor from Ouija)

-The Jock-
This character is a superior athlete and excels in any sport they play. They are commonly a physically strong character and are well built. They are often brave and arrogant enough to try to take on the killer head on. They often aren't the brightest character in regards to what to do and what the safest measures are. However, they usually would be the most successful in a one on one fight against the killer.
(Barry from I Know What You Did Last Summer)

-The Slut/Fuckboy-
This character struggles to keep it in their pants. They will sleep with anyone or anything when the opportunity is presented. Much like the Jock, they often aren't a very intelligent character, rather more focused on the idea of how they can get the next person in bed. They may be an avid drinker or partier. There are often jokes that this person has slept with an entire sports team or even the entire school.
(Jay from It Follows)

-The Stoner-
This character is almost constantly high on weed. Often, if the pothead discovers the villain, most people believe it was a hallucination. Not even when the danger is revealed will the pothead give up their habit. This addiction can either lead to their demise or can give them the edge in their individual fight against the enemy.
(Marty from Cabin in the Woods)

-The Scholar-
A highly intelligent character who often excels in studies. They usually display some curious traits about the situation that they have ended up in. They often also are the reason the villain is released due to them testing their knowledge in some ritual or because they wanted to study something they shouldn't. They will sometimes try to study the villain due to their curiosity.
(Hannibal from Silence of the Lambs)

-The Horror Fanatic-
This character lives for the thrill of a scary movie and is often smarter than even the scholar in regards to the situation they're in. They've seen every horror movie and show as well as read every single horror novel. They are often the one to connect the dots that they are trapped in their own horror story and feel very prepared to handle the situation, whether or not they truly are.
(Randy from Scream)

-The Skeptic-
Despite everything happening around them, this character believes everything is a joke or a prank. They struggle to realize they are in real danger, excusing everything for some explanation that could be more likely. As well, they spend the majority of the first half (or longer) of the story trying to convince everyone that they are acting irrationally and are just scared of their own shadows.
(Tim from Oculus)

-The Kid-
This character is a naive 18-19 year old hanging out with older characters. They can't hold their alcohol and can be a party animal due to the fact that they finally have friends who can pull for them. They can be the center of teasing just because they are young. However, they hardly ever mind.


1. Faceclaim
2. Full Name
3. Nicknames
4. Prounouns
5. Sexuality
6. Love interest?
7. Age (22-25; 18-19 if applying for The Kid)
8. Role
9. Personality (4+)
10. Backstory
11. Flaws and Quirks
12. Anything else I need to know
13. Do you understand your character may die?
14. Would you like your character to be considered for the special role?
15. Why did they agree to come along?
16. Quote
17. Password
18. Tag people


-The Final Girl-
This protagonist is the potential lone survivor who is usually the one responsible for killing the villain to survive. They are often a very "pure" character who follows all the rules. As well, they usually have characteristics from several other characters, such as athleticism and intelligence. They often act as the best decision maker related to how to handle the situation.
(Erin from You're Next)

The Final Girl is in the next chapter

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