18 - You make me forget everything.

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Instead of heading to the potato garden, he took a detour and took Yuxin to the car.

"Where are we going?" Yuxin asked confused.

"You will know when you get there." Kun smiled.

It's April. That means it's also that time of the year for the pink flowers to bloom. Kun took Yuxin to Gucan Park where 80 hectares of land is filled with cherry blossom trees. It's around midnight which also meant that there were not much people in the park.

Yuxin chuckles, "Suddenly trying to be romantic?"

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"You might need to do a little bit more to impress me."

"I think this is enough." He said with his hand motioning his face.

Yuxin rolled her eyes. "Vain."

"Says you Ms Right Face." Kun rolled his eyes. Both of them laughed because they know how vain they are.

Kun parked his car and spotted a suspicious car in front of them. He tapped her. "Yuxin, look at that car. The window is fogged up and its shaking."

Yuxin slapped his arm. "They are having their moment. Stop judging."

"Shall we have our moment too?" Kun asked raising his eyebrows.

A harder slap came this time. "Just get out the car." Yuxin told him and got out the car blushing.

Now, they are walking down the lane of cherry blossoms holding each other hands and fingers intertwined. They can't stop smiling as they enjoy each other's company.

"When did you start liking me?" Yuxin asked genuinely curious.

Kun thought for a while for the correct answer, but there was no such thing as correct answer. It just happened. "There isn't an exact time to pin point on. It kind of progressed from the first time I saw you. I like you because firstly, you are very charming. Secondly, you are kind to everyone. Thirdly, do I even need to say, you are pretty. Theres so much more. I can't possibly list them all now if not we will have to stay here the whole night." He chuckled.

"Smart answer." Yuxin nodded in agreement.

"What about you?"

"I guess it your perseverance. You basically annoyed me every other day. I thought I disliked you but I guess there is only a thin line between dislike and like. And somehow you lingered in my mind with your witty comments. Your face is a plus point." Yuxin admitted although she didn't want to.

(Actually its my stanning story for both of them, more or less)

Kun smiled at her sudden confession. "Now I'm glad I annoyed you. Do you know what we should do under a cherry blossom tree?"

"What are you plotting again?" Yuxin asked tiredly.

"This." In a swift movement, he held her waist and turned towards him. He is staring right into her eyes and leans in closer. This caused Yuxin to close her eyes to prepare for what she thinks is going to happen next.

Kun chuckled and flicked her forehead. "What are you thinking?" He asked still laughing and removed the fallen eyelash on her cheek and hugged her.

"Annoying." Yuxin struggled from his embrace and walked off.

Kun rushed forward and hugged her from behind. "I was just kidding." He then turned her around.

Yuxin rolled her eyes before looking at him in the eye. Kun laughed and bent down to snuggle her nose making Yuxin smile in return.

This time for real he kissed her softly. Yuxin smiled in the kiss and tip-toed a little for a deeper kiss as she hold onto him by grabbing his t-shirt neck hem. The cherry blossom petals continued to fall on them as they share their intimate moment.


Time sure flies by fast because it's already time for the third mission at their Homecoming dance. The mission is to perform a song on stage and the team with the most live audience votes wins. Actually most of them have already forgotten about the competition like Kun and Yuxin as they happily spend time together.

"Guys, we have to prepare for the stage." Shuxin said.

"What song should we do?" Xiaotang asked for recommendations.

"I think something upbeat would be good." Keyin said.

"Hmm I was thinking about something touching and meaningful." Yuyan replied.

"What about we do a mashup? Start with something slow and lyrical and continue to an upbeat song to hype the crowd?" Keran suggested.

"Yuxin can start off with the piano and then one by one can come out each singing a sentence. Then, all of us can get together at the middle of the stage to sing an upbeat song." Anqi grinned and patted herself for thinking such a good idea. Yuxin agreed to her idea.

Xueer also agreed and said, "Solid, we can start practising after we choose the song."

"We can also prepare a VCR in between the two songs too." Jiaqi said excitedly.


"Guys, any song suggestion?" Xiaogui asked as he looked through his music library.

"I want something upbeat." Yanjun said.

"As part of the performance, shall we add in some stunts?" Nongnong asked.

"I agree, just singing and dancing would be a bit plain. I can do a bit of ballet." Zhengting agreed.

"If the stage allows, we can send someone flying to the stage attached to wires." Justin said while imitating a superman pose.

"Justin, thats a little too ambitious." Zhangjing said laughing.

"I think the most important thing is we enjoy our stage." Ziyi said.

"Guys, I have an idea." Kun said and told them the idea he have been thinking.

"Kun, I think its a great idea. But we have to get everyone on board." Chengcheng said and quickly typed on the phone.


"Yuxin, you are going to the Homecoming with Kun?" Shuxin asked her.

"He still hasn't asked me though." Yuxin said with a little frown.

"Aren't you guys dating?" Shuxin asked confused. Yuxin and Kun is basically together 24/7 either at school or the villa.

Yuxin played with her fingers and said, "I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Keyin asked and slapped her own  forehead.

"We like each other and hang out basically everyday since that day. But, we haven't label ourselves as boyfriend and girlfriend. Besides, I feel something is still in the way. Also, we are performing on Homecoming. All of us are going together anyways. I don't need a date" Yuxin explained but its not the 100% truth.

"Yuxin, you know its not healthy to go on like this right? You guys have to make it clear one day." Xueer advised her friend.

Yuxin nodded. She still wants him to ask her. Or whether she should ask him this time?

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