Chapter 5

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Y/N sits on the comfy couch, while Yoongi elevates her foot and gets some ice for her.

Yoongi: Here. Let me put this on your ankle. You relax, while I go help. Ok.

She nods. Her pain meds were starting to wear off, so she was really feeling pain. She's not so sure but she thinks her ankle might be fractured. Great! Just great! Yoongi's going to think she's a big dumb ass for falling off the bed and breaking her ankle.
Kitchen is all cleaned, dishes are washed and put away. By this time it's around midnight, and she starts dozing off. The girls and Yoongi noticed and became quiet. Daisy and Leilah went to go prepare their mom's bed, while Viktoria went to go change into her pj's and brush her teeth. Daisy whispers to Yoongi...

Daisy: Her bed is ready!

Yoongi nods and picks up Y/N. She completely freaks out and gasps.

Y/N: No! No. Wha- what are you doing Yoongi?
Yoongi:'s ok. I'm just taking you to your room ok.

Y/N is too tired and falls back asleep on his chest. Trying to shake her head no, he smiles and takes her to her room. Lays her down, and the girls leave.

Yoongi: ::low soft voice:: Y/N...I had a great time tonight. Thank you for having dinner with me, and letting me get to know you and your girls.
Y/N: ::raspy voice:: Thank you for coming over and bringing us dinner. I had a lot of fun too. ☺️

By this time she opened her eyes and without even thinking she grabs his face and kisses him.

Y/N: Thank you so much. ::kisses him:: thank you ::kisses him again::
Yoongi: You're welcome 😊

Y/N was half asleep, and after the last kiss, she held his hand and fell asleep holding it. Yoongi just sat there looking at her while she was sleeping. He couldn't stop getting butterflies in his stomach, and couldn't stop smiling. He managed to let go of Y/N's hand and started walking out of her bedroom.

Y/N: Text or call me when you get home ok. Please be careful going home, I need you.

And she falls back asleep. You would think that last comment would've freaked Yoongi out but it didn't. He needed her too. He wanted her. And he didn't know why he felt this way so soon. He couldn't wait for it to be Monday already so he can call and talk to her.

Morning came and Y/N was in horrible pain. She called her doctor, and she immediately went into the office. Lisa was with her, and the girls were at school. After an examination and X-rays, no fractures. Just a really bad sprain. She had 2 missed calls and 3 texts from Yoongi. The 3rd time Yoongi calling. Lisa answers her phone.

Lisa: Hello Y/N's phone?!
Yoongi: Y/N?
Lisa: No. She's with her doctor right now. This is Lisa. Hi Yoongi.
Yoongi: What? What's wrong? Is she ok?? What happened??
Lisa: She's ok. Don't worry. She woke up in a lot of pain and her ankle was really swollen. So we thought her ankle might be broken, and she asked me to bring her to the doctors.
Yoongi: Is it broken?
Lisa: No. It's just a really bad sprain. They're wrapping her ankle right now and giving her crutches. I can have her call you back when she comes out of the room.
Yoongi: Yes please. Can you tell her.
Lisa: Yeah for sure. Talk to you later.
Yoongi: Ok. Thank you Lisa. Bye

Lisa hangs up Y/N's phone while she waits. Y/N comes out in crutches and is off work for a whole week until her ankle heals. She doesn't look too happy. But at least she's ok. Lisa starts walking out of the office with Y/N.

Lisa: Oh yeah. Yoongi called you and I answered. He's really worried and wants you to call him when you can.
Y/N: Really? Ok. Holy shit! I can't believe I missed his calls and texts.
Lisa: Well you were in the room with your doctor. It's ok.
Y/N: Yeah. I'll just text him back right now until we get home. Aarrgghhh! I can't believe my doctor put me off work for a whole damn week dude wtf??!!
Lisa: Oh stop. You need to rest Y/N. Stop being such a pain in the ass. And you need to have that foot elevated at all costs.
Y/N: Yeah I know but still.

While Y/N and Lisa were talking Yoongi texts her back.

Yoongi: Hey are you ok?
Y/N: Yeah. Just a little upset because my doctor put me off of work for a whole week! But my ankle isn't broken, so I guess that's good.
Yoongi: Why are you upset though? At least you'll be able to rest right?
Y/N: Yeah, but I'm working from home. It's not like if I'm going to be walking around.
Yoongi: Hey, don't be like that. I'm sure your doctor has a good reason. Plus you need to elevate your foot so it doesn't swell up.
Y/N: I know. I'm sorry. It just drives me crazy. What the heck am I going to do all week? Lisa and Elizabeth work, and my girls are gone half of the day at school.
Yoongi: So you're going to be home alone?
Y/N: Yeah by the looks of it 😕
Yoongi: If you want, I mean I have a couple of days off this week. I can come over if you want me to. If you want.

Y/N blurts out without even thinking

Y/N: YES!!

As soon as she realized she blurted it out she got all embarrassed, slapped her mouth, dropped her phone on her lap, and looks at Lisa. Lisa mouths "what?". Y/N says hold on, and Lisa sees that her face is bright red. She picks up her phone and reads his text.

Yoongi: Ok. What time do you want me to come over?
Y/N: Everyone is gone by 7:30am, so anytime after that. ☺️
Yoongi: Ok, I'll call you when I'm on my way. Did you want me to come over tonight?
Y/N: Do you want to?!?
Yoongi: Absolutely! 😘

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