Chapter 14

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It's been a month that Y/N and Yoongi have been dating. Taehyung still won't accept their relationship, but that doesn't faze them at all. Yoongi's concern is that he's noticing Y/N is super stressed out for her girls 2 big party celebrations. Leilah's is in September and Daisy's is the following month. So she's trying to get everything going. He wants to help, but doesn't know how to bring it up. So he goes directly to Elizabeth since she is in the Quince party. So Yoongi calls one of Y/N's best friend's.

Yoongi: Hey Elizabeth it's Yoongi. Do you have a minute?
Elizabeth: Hey! Yeah. What's up?
Yoongi: I've been noticing how stressed Y/ N has been this past week and I would like to help. But I don't know how to ask her you know.
Elizabeth: Yeah I know. She's so stubborn and will not accept anyone's help. But I do know what needs to be paid off and what we still need. I mean if you want to help.
Yoongi: YES!! Please tell me. I will do it. Lol
Elizabeth: You know she's going to kill us both right? Lol
Yoongi: I'm ok with that. I just don't want to see her stressed out anymore.
Elizabeth: Ok. I'll send you the list k.
Yoongi: Ok. Thank you Liz!! I'll talk to you later.
Elizabeth: Ok. Talk to you later. Bye
Y/N: Who you talking to hmmmm??? Lol
Elizabeth: Omg Y/N!!! You scared the shit out of me! Lol
Y/N: Were you talking to Lisa?
Elizabeth: Huh? Oh yeah. We were just talking about the quince and how we're gonna do our hair.
Y/N: Oh. Wait I thought you guys already decided that?
Elizabeth: We did, but changed our minds lol again and again.
Y/N: lol yeah I know what you mean. I can't believe it's 3 weeks away and there's still so much to do. Ugh!!!!
Elizabeth: What else do you have to pay?
Y/N: I still have to pay for both venues, and it's a lot. I just can't believe Daisy convinced me to have her party at that damn fancy club golf course thing. 😏
Elizabeth: It's ok. We'll figure it out. At least the girls have their dresses, the food is set, and so are our dresses right? The rest should be easy peasy. Since your friend is decorating both venues right?
Y/N: Yeah. I'm just glad I don't have to worry about the damn decorations.

Elizabeth finally found out what Y/N is stressing about. She has an idea about how much is left to pay off both venues. So she goes ahead and texts Yoongi with the information.

Elizabeth: Hey Yoongi. So I found out what exactly she's stressing about. She still needs to pay of both of the girls venues for the party. I'm trying to find both contracts or at least the numbers. I mean if that is what you were asking for.
Yoongi: Yes!!! Please give me the number and I'll have my assistant call and ask for all the info. But please don't tell her.
Elizabeth: You don't have to pay for it. I'm sure there's other things that we need to get.
Yoongi: No. it's ok. Just give me the number and the name of both places please.
Elizabeth: Ok. You got it.

Elizabeth goes back to Y/N's room where she is crying.

Elizabeth: Y/N!!! What's wrong????
Y/N: I'm just so stressed and overwhelmed. I'm exhausted and I don't think I'll be able to pay off the damn venues on time.
Elizabeth: Well I don't care what you say, so Lisa and I are going to help. It's not going to be much but we're helping. I'm tired of you saying no.
Y/N: ok. Thank you girly. I truly appreciate it.

Elizabeth leaves Y/N's room and calls Lisa. They both go to Liz's room.

Liz: Hey do you have both folders with the venues and prices for the girls?
Lisa: Yeah. Why?
Liz: Can you give me the name and numbers please?
Lisa: Yeah. Why what's going on?
Liz: Y/N is so stressed out and she's crying. So I offered to help and volunteered you too.
Lisa: Finally!!! Yes!!

Lisa goes ahead and gives Liz all the information and she ends up texting Yoongi all the information. He says thank you and that he'll take care of it. Liz didn't pay much attention and put her phone down.

3 weeks later, and it's the day of Leilah's Quinceñera. Y/N is running around like a chicken with her head cut off, trying to make sure everyone eats, showers and they start getting ready. Leilah is super excited and she can't stop smiling and messing around with her friends that are in her courtship. Y/N seemed to calm everyone down and finished getting ready herself. She was excited Yoongi stayed to keep her sane through this stressful time, but kind of bummed the rest of the boys had to go back to S. Korea. Yoongi did go, but came back a week later. Couldn't stay away from Y/N for so long.
After the church ceremony, Yoongi told Y/N he forgot to get Leilah's gift and that he would meet them at the venue. She was a bit confused but told him ok and he went on his way. They got to the venue and it was decorated beautifully! The first thing Y/N noticed was there was way more tables and decorations, more of everything and she started freaking out. She tried not to make it obvious, and guests started arriving. She was greeting everyone and Yoongi walks in....along with Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, JK, and Jimin. She couldn't believe the boys came to hang out at her daughter's party. She went to Yoongi and hugged him. She went to each one and hugged them. Then notices one thing...

Y/N: Where's Taehyung? Is he not coming?
Namjoon: He got held behind and stayed home. Some business stuff.

Hoseok and JK rolled their eyes but didn't say anything.

Hoseok and JK: Where's the birthday girl??

Y/N leads them to Leilah and she looses her shit and starts screaming. They boys end up dancing with her and all their friends. They fit in perfectly because they're such jokers. Y/N calms her down and the party just went on. But deep down she was wondering why Taehyung didn't come. But pushed it to the back of her mind in the meantime and had fun.

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