Staying Alive

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"In the front!" Groaned Salem as she sat next to Montana, on the pink carpeted floor.

"Yes, in the front. How else am I going to make it big in national aerobics." Montana said stretching out her legs.

Salem pondered" Huh, I don't know."

" Find a guy who has low standards." She smirked as Montana frowned.

" I'm serious Salem, I'll make it you'll see."

"I'm sure you will but..."

"Please don't give something, to get something."

"I don't need you calling me at night telling me there's something growing down there."

Salem gestured her hands below her business. Marking Montana laugh "Please never grow up." Montana said as she stood up from stretching.

" Wasn't planning on it." Salem followed in suit , as she heard Xavier start the class.


"Five, six, seven, eight!"

Xavier started the music and started doing his routine. Trying not to get distracted by Salem, as she was right across from him.


"Up, Reach."

He jumped down from the stage, and started to walk around the front. When he reached his girlfriend, he winked. Salem blushed and smiled. Feeling flustered as she stopped dancing. Once she remembered what was going on, she joined back in. Looking forward seeing Xavier at the front of the room smirking slightly.

"Hip thrust in."


The whole class, was now on ground.

"It's hard but it's worth it"

Montana looked back to see Chet. Showing of to a girl in the back of the class. Noticing the girl was doing the same. Montana smacked, Salem with her arm. After getting the strawberry blonde's attention. They both looked at their friend making sexual gestures to the brunette.

While Montana was smirking. Salem was trying her best not to laugh.

"Yes, two more!"

They then got on their sides. They followed Xavier as he started to raise his fight leg in the air.

Xavier met eyes with Salem. Only for him to notice she was now biting her lip.


Salem turned on the water in shower. Overhearing Montana, talking to the girl that had her eyes on Chet during the class.

"I'm not a lez, just friendly." Montana said as she smiled and looked over the stall.

Salem turned around. Suddenly being interested in the conversation.

" And there's Montana Duke for you." Said Salem

Montana gave her  a look. Then turned her attention, back to the brunette next to her.

"Rad bod tho, like that girl on Cheers." Looking her up in down.

" I noticed you ogling my buddy Chets mound."

"You want me to introduce you?"

Salem finished her shower and wrapped her body in a towel.

"Please do, Chets been single for awhile now."
Salem added as she dried her hair.

"It's a shame to let a body like that go to waste." Walking out of the showers, getting bored of the conversation.

After putting on her clothes. Salem joined her friends, and boyfriend in the lounge. She jumped on Xavier's back, as she whispered in his ear.

"Great class babe." She said as kissed his neck.

"But I, can think of better ways to stay in shape." She purred

Jumping of his back, and standing in front of him. Xavier placed his arms around her waist. While she put hers around his neck, and ran her finger through his hair.

"Can you?" He questioned as he slowly filled the gap that was between their lips.

Salem leaned in and connected their lips. At first it was soft and gentle. Then started to get heated as they started pull each other closer.

"Guys, were literally right here." Chet said as he motioned to him and Ray.

Salem smiled and pulled back from Xavier.

"Right, Sorry." She said

Xavier smirked, and wrapped his arms around Salem as she faced forward.  Leaning her back against his chest. Xavier started talking about the recent Murders. To which Salem zoned out, and started to play with Xavier's hand.

Thank you for reading this chapter. I do not own the characters, or storyline. They belong to the talented Ryan Murphy. Today's question is what season would you want to be apart of in the American horror story franchise. Thank you and bye until next chapter love sugarhighstilinski ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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