chapter 6

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Jughead POV

"I'm pregnant"Betty said. I was shocked. I didn't know what to say."how?" " Well you know that condoms are safe just 97% and there is a chance that we didn't use protection first time." She said still slightly crying."oh boy" I murmured

After some time she was walking back and forth around my office. Her makeup was rounded and tears stained but she didn't cry."I don't know what to do." I said "if you don't want this baby I will raise it alone. I don't want to lose my baby again."she said last part as a whisper. "What do you mean by 'again'?"

"It's hard to say... But... When I was 16 year old, I was at simple party. I drank little too much. I didn't remember anything but my friend was telling that she saw everything. one of football jerks took me upstairs and... And... Raped me." She said now crying really hard." When I said I was pregnant he just kidnapped me and punch in my stomach multiple times. Then he just left me there lifeless. When doctors said that I will not be able to have kids in the future. I was kinda happy when I find out. But I'm scared too. I'm 17 years old pregnant girl" Betty said with a little laugh. Is this what Betty went through? I thought to myself. I didn't knew what I was doing but I kissed her. "I'll never gonna leave you" I said. She just kissed me again.


We pulled out my office sofa and we were cuddling . It was comfortable silence until I decided to break."move in with me." I said she looked up at me "what?""move in with me in my parents house. In the future we'll buy a house. You would join the serpent and be my queen and our baby would be prince or princess.then maybe marry one day." She sit up and kissed me. It was full passion and lust. "So.. what are now?" "I don't know about you, but I've always been human." I joked "juggieee..." She whined "what?" "So dating?" "Oh so that what its called." "Jug!" She said and slightly punched my chest. I kiss her and she depend the kiss and we started making out. I pulled away because I need air. "I take that as a yes" betts said and kissed me again. This time she pulled away. "We need to tell our parents, Oh it's hard..."

"When are you coming back?" "On Sunday, what are you thinking about?" "I don't know... maybe tell my parents and my sister, then go to New York and tell yours. We could move everything you need in here and you would move here!" "But I have my family photoshoot on Monday" Betty said while siting up and puting her heel's on " "then we will stay for two or three days. How does this sound?!" "I kinda think it's a good idea." "But betts you need to stop wearing these heel's, you could easily crack your ankle. And the baby..." "Ok I will..., But now we're going to Cheryl's and tell her and Toni" she said wile puling my arm. "Can we... You know tell my parents first, my mom are back now." " Yeah... Let's go!" She shouts and we left my office.

We pulled up in my house. We were in Betty's car because my car was at home.

Jug: I'm home!... We're home.

Last part I said a little quieter but I think they heard it. Betty crabed my hand and linked our fingers. I slightly squeeze her hand.

Fp:hey jug... Oh hey Betty?
B: hey
Jug:where is mom?
Fp: in the kitchen
Jug:can you say to her that we here and can you two come to living room?
G: I'm here! Elizabeth Andrews! What a honor. Why are you two here?
Jug:can you go to living room and sit?

I whisper in Betty's ear "you tell that we're dating and I tell them that your pregnant" she just nob

B:so we wanted to say that we're dating.
Jug:go to your room we will tell you later
G:that's it?
Fp: I mean yeah we happy but that it?
Jug: Betty pregnant...
G: w-what?
Fp:what do you mean?
Jug:that week when Betty came over to visit her cousin. We met a Whyte wyrm party and whole week we had...
B:hook up.
G:I'm glad that you're giving me a grandchildren but you just two teenagers
Jug:can we tell them? Your story?
B:yes... When I was 16 I was raped by football jock and I got pregnant. When I tell him he didn't like it and he kidnapped me. He and his friend jocks punched me in stomach. I saw black. I was in coma for 1 month and doctor said I lost my baby and that I will never be able to have one. But when I find out I was pregnant again I was happy and terrified. I was terrified because i thought Jughead will never be by my side. But...
Jug:I said I never gonna leave her.
G:oh you poor thing

My mom said and hug her. At the time she was crying.

Jug: can she be a serpent Queen? By not doing a dance?
Fp: she can be a serpent by a third opsion. She need to have sex with the leader.
Jug: so she's a serpent?
Fp:you just need to give her queen jacket.

Me and my dad whispered wile hugging.

Jug: we need to tell JB!
B:and we want to ask you something. Jug...
Jug: can Betty and I live here?
G: absolutely!
Jug: dad can betts be crowded today?
Fp:ok I call for the meeting
G: now go tell JB and dress her in some JB's serpent clothes, ok.

We climb the stairs to JB's room. Betty knock.

JB:come in!
Jug:hey JB
JB:hey jug, hey Elizabeth
B: hey it's Betty. Nice to meet you
JB:so.. you dating my brother?
Jug: that's not it...
B: I'm pregnant
Jug: JB calm down
B:you happy?
JB:yeah. There will be little betty running around.
Jug:we don't know the gender
JB:I definitely know it will be a girl!

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