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Long story short - ever since a certain dramatic fight at who knows what time at night, there has been a pleasant change to class 1-A. Never would any of them (not even teachers) imagine that Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku could fix their broken relationship. After all, when you see a former bully with his victim, that hold deep grudges against each other - it's quite strange to see them acting like normal childhood friends.

For example, Izuku and Katsuki are now on proper speaking terms and can have actual conversations (without Katsuki snapping at Izuku too hard). Said walking time bomb can't help it when he yells and insults people - especially Deku. Though his classmates can see that he's trying his best to express himself.

But these changes don't only apply to Katsuki. Because indeed it's Izuku that is the strangest out of the two. He's happy and giggly all the time. Especially when he is around Katsuki. Usually if he were to interact with him, Izuku would speak in a quiet stutter and act weary (sometimes scared) around the blonde. All that has suddenly vanished, and now Izuku's charming smile is it's brightest when he is with Katsuki.

And though they are now just like normal childhood friends...

"Kacchan, do you want to hang out after school?"

"Kacchan, there's a new All Might movie! We must see it!"

"Kacchan, we should bring our old 'Hero Card' collectibles to school one day. It would be so cool, just like old times!"

Katsuki can't handle this. He can't handle so much... Izuku. They declared one another as rivals, so they can't be friends, can they? ...Who is he kidding. Katsuki knows that deep down Izuku has always been his friend. They were so close as children - basically knowing everything about each other. It's strange, because now, Katsuki feels like he barely knows anything about Izuku at all. He hasn't changed, yet at the same time he has. And one word to describe Izuku's recent behaviour is... clingy.

Clingy to the fucking core.

And this isn't an exaggeration on Katsuki's behalf. The rest of their class have made a few comments about it too. Wherever Katsuki goes, Izuku follows. Attempting to make conversation, asking if he wants to do something together... just nagging him eagerly. Katsuki always either brushes him off, ignores him, or scolds him for being annoying. Although Izuku has always been a persistent one, and still is.

The first time it had happened was the day they were freed from house arrest, after breaking school regulations. Which was also the day everyone would return to their family's homes for the following weekend. Izuku had asked Katsuki to walk home together, and Katsuki agreed. Why? Because he just felt like he should. No other reason. And today, is exactly a week from then. Everyone is packing their things from their designated dorm rooms, and Katsuki - as organised as he is - is done. Bored to death, the ash blonde sits on the navy living room couch like a slob and starts lazily tapping away on his phone.

"Um, Kacchan?" A deep yet soft voice interrupts his tranquility.

Katsuki doesn't bother looking up from his phone as he knows this voice belongs to Izuku. His thumb stops moving, face expressionless as he waits for the greenette to speak.

"Would you like to walk home together again?"

He doesn't stutter.

"'Kay." Katsuki bluntly mumbles.

"G-great! I'll quickly go finish packing my things then." Izuku smiles, a sparkle in his emerald orbs. He then dashes to his dorm room.

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