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"Those two, they were part of them right?" The latter started off, breaking the thick silence between them. Yuyan nodded and buried her face into her palms, "Yea, and those blue tubes contain the specially made poison that once gets shot into us vampires, we're as good as dead."

Jiaqi shuddered at the horrifying thought as she slowly placed the new blood bags into her fridge. Many thoughts ran through her head while she remained silent. Noticing her behaviour, Yuyan immediately switched the subject.

"Why do you wear these accessories to school?" Faking a laugh, she lifted the box of hairpins and the pair of bulky glasses. The Jiaqi Yuyan knew would rather die than wear all these things. Jiaqi sighed but a smug look appeared on her face, "It's to make me an outcast so I wouldn't attract much attention since without these, I am one of the most gorgeous vampire ever existed."

Rolling her eyes, Yuyan groaned exasparatedly, "Oh shut up." It wasn't the first time Jiaqi complimented herself. Sooner or later, they moved on from that topic and progressed into Jiaqi begging Yuyan to join her school.

"Why can't you transfer school? I mean you're very talented and you get such good grades. It'll be so easy for you." With huge puppy eyes, Jiaqi whined while Yuyan faked a gag, "Ew, stop acting cute. Anyways, give me more time to think about it alright?"

Not quite satisfied with her answer, she pouted but in the end went along with it. If Yuyan joined, it wouldn't be that boring, Jiaqi thought as she sulked a little while the other left for a shower.

Suddenly, an image of a certain red head popped in her mind. Jiaqi smiled as she wondered, Kong Xueer, that stunning human, maybe she could make my life much interesting...Jiaqi shook her thoughts and cringed, "Why am I thinking of such unacceptable things?" Sighing for the billion time today, she reluctantly reminded herself, muttering under her breath, "A vampire and human should never be together...nor even be interested in one another."

Only the sound of water droplets splashing against the floor as Yuyan bathed could be heard as Jiaqi gradually drifted off into sleep with her mind still occupied with Xueer.

The next morning, Jiaqi arubtly jumped out of bed and glanced at the clock, she was already so late. Yuyan had already left for her own school while Jiaqi had not even washed up. "Argh, why didn't that betrayer wake me up."

After washing up, she was too lazy to put on all the hair pins one by one therefore she ended up wearing the bulky glasses. She had an oversized hoodie and sweatpants on, covering every inch of her fair skin.

In just a second, Jiaqi had already reached school with her fast speed, not feeling one bit tired. Once she stepped into the classroom, everyone went quiet and stared at her while Ms Shin glared, "Jiaqi, explain why you're so late to class."

Not giving a damn, she refrained from rolling her eyes and headed to her seat without answering. "Detention later on Ms Xu. No excuses for your rude attitude." Ignoring her again, Jiaqi quietly took out her textbook and pencil case. She couldn't care less about what that ignorant teacher said.

Xueer's gaze was fixated right on the latter as she rested her head on her hands. Many thoughts crossed her mind while she pondered on, not realising that Jiaqi could 'hear' every single one of them if she chose to...which she did. The short haired was trying to suppress her smile throughout the whole time while Xueer ranted in her mind.

'Why did she arrive so late today?' 'Why are there no hairpins in her hair?' 'Why does she have such a weird outfit but manage to look good in it?' 'Wait why did I just think of that, am I weird myself?' All sorts of questions bombarded Xueer's mind.

She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't even realise she had been staring at Jiaqi the whole time. It was until she turned around suddenly, making eye contact with one another.

After lessons, not even hesitating, Jiaqi headed to Xueer's table and gazed right into her hazel brown eyes, "So are you free today to start with proper introductions before beginning our project?" Xueer was taken aback, she didn't think this weird girl would be that straightforward.

"I have a free period later before my other class starts...but don't you have detention?" Raising a brow, Xueer then narrowed her eyes which Jiaqi found extremely cute. It was as if she was trying to look serious but ending up looking like an adorable little bunny.

"Do you actually think I'm attending? I thought you were smarter than this, Kong Xueer." A taunting tone laced her words as Jiaqi innocent yet devious gaze penetrated Xueer's eyes. The red headed glared at the short haired girl and rolled her eyes, "And I thought you were a good kid...apparently not."

Jiaqi crossed her arms as she raised a brow, her gaze turning much intense in that moment, "Why? Because I look like a nerd? Because I'm the weird kid? Yea, you got a point." Xueer didn't know why but she felt intimidated under her stare though she never felt like that before with others, not even the buffest dude in hockey.

She didn't want to break eye contact because that would mean she's showing inferiority, and her reputation would be greatly affected. Persisting, Xueer continued, "Fine then, let's meet at the library later at 3. Don't be late again."

Jiaqi huffed and uncrossed her arms, "Why can't we go together, since we have the same break time?" The silence after this was awkward and uncomfortable only for Xueer while Jiaqi was patiently waiting for her response.

"Are you that stupid? We can't be seen together. I have a reputation to keep and going around with a weirdo like you will destroy it." Not sparing a glance at Jiaqi, Xueer grabbed her purse and headed to the cafeteria where her friends were waiting, leaving the short haired girl.

Jiaqi sighed while heading to the rooftop and removed her heavy glasses. Rubbing her temples, Jiaqi took in the view of the campus while inhaling the fresh air. A distance away was Xueer seated in Yuxin's lap while they happily conversed. Jiaqi could see and hear everything clearly but for some reason, her heart felt heavy therefore she ignored it.

Leaving for the library, she then unconsciously headed to the vampire section and grabbed a few books, curious as to what humans think about them. However, she stopped as soon as she felt a cold icy aura around her. She immediately placed the book back on the shelf and sharply turned around, only to jump in shock as the green haired girl stood in front of her with a huge grin on her face.

"Yuyan? The fuck are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at your school?" Jiaqi's eyes dramatically widened as she gasped.

"Yea school ended so I decided to visit you." Yuyan laughed and caressed Jiaqi's hair like what she always do. "Jeez, you sure do look very different with this pair of ugly glasses." Teasing the shorthaired girl, Yuyan tapped the glass framed gently.

The latter sighed and hugged her, "You could've just used telepathy or called me about you visiting so I wouldn't be that shocked. I thought there was another vampire or something."

Ever so suddenly, Yuyan placed her hands over Jiaqi's mouth, "Wait, someone's coming. Shit, you shouldn't have said that that loudly." Jiaqi rolled her eyes and licked Yuyan's palm as the latter stepped back in disgust. She then shrugged it off, "It's probably Xueer. You should get going now before she sees you and freaks out since you're not from our school."

Yuyan face lit up with a smirk, remembering what Jiaqi had thought about the girl Xueer yesterday night when she was showering. "You need not even ask, have fun with your date!" Jiaqi's eyes widened as a tiny bit of redness crept onto her cheeks while Yuyan left.

"No Xu Jiaqi, it's just for a project. After this whole thing you wouldn't even interact with her. Argh that stupid Yuyan, making me think about all sorts of nonsense." Jiaqi muttered under her breath as Xueer entered the library, heading straight to her with her arms crossed.

"Let's start early and end early, shall we now?"

Forbidden Love [Jiaqi x Xueer]Where stories live. Discover now