"today is just not your day"

778 9 3

ship: markno
contains: fluff
word count: 1012


jeno sighed as he trudged along the street, his umbrella held over his head as the pattering of rain engulfed the surroundings.

"today was a pretty shit day." he mumbled as he looked down at his feet, his socks soaked from stepping in a puddle earlier, leaving the material to stick to his skin.

he couldn't wait to get home.

he maneuvered through the crowd as he tried not to poke anyone's eyes out with the edges of his umbrella, and at the same time, try not to step in any more puddles.

"hEY YOU BITCH!" jeno's head snapped upwards as he heard someone shout, only to see a hooded boy absolutely drenched as a car speeded past, jeno assumed the vehicle splashed him.

glad I'm not him.

he watched the guy from his peripheral vision, hearing him groan loudly and peel the hoodie off his skin.

jeno grimaced as he heard the string of curses leaving the boys mouth.

he continued on his journey, only to find the drenched stranger was walking not so far besides him in the same direction.

does he live near?

shrugging, jeno smiled once he saw his apartment building.



he fumbled with his keys as he tried to unlock his door, his fingers having gone numb from the cold.

as the door opened he heard the elevator ding, looking to the side his eyes widened as he saw a familiar dripping figure.

"the fuck..?" jeno kept a hand on his handle as the person walked towards him, stopping at the door opposite his.
"new neighbour? what a coincidence.." jeno mumbled as he saw the person stop and search their pockets.

he entered his own apartment, and was about to close his door when he heard the boy groan loudly again.

"um.. are you okay?" jeno asked timidly as he watched the other lean against the door and drop onto the floor with a huff, crossing his arms.

"from what fucking angle do I look okay? I'm drenched and my clothes keep sticking to me and now I've misplaced my fucking keys."

damn, today was not this dude's day.

"do you.. um.. have another way to get in?" jeno leant against his door as he observed the other in pity.

"ugh no, not until my roommate gets back, but he's coming home late."

"why don't you call him?"

"....my phones inside."

jeno sucked in a breath as the other took his hood off, his black hair dripping as he pouted.

if he was an animal, jeno was sure his ears would be drooping in defeat.

the younger hesitated before stepping aside and clearing his throat, "you can wait in here if you like."

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