Swallowed Spoon

28 11 6

To my beloved mother whose love never cease to waver
Who nurtured me against rough waters
Kept me safe away from all the dangers
Showered me with attention as if I am all that matters
Protected me at all cost, ready to throw daggers

With her love I am safe, hidden from this perilous world bursting nothing with color

To my beloved mother whose love never cease to waver
Who gave me everything, let me see the world behind her back
Kept me safe from all the striding rocks
Sheltered me with the good from evil flock
Thanks to her I am alive after everything I lack

With her love I am safe, hidden from this perilous world bursting nothing with color

To my beloved mother whose love never cease to waver
Provided and loved me in everything
Honed and made me into this being
Without her I am without meaning
Without her this is not a life worth living

With her love I am safe, hidden from this perilous world bursting nothing with color

To my beloved mother whose love never cease to waver
Thank you for being my legs for you didn't let me stand on my own
Thank you for being my arms and everything, I just can't do things alone
Thank you for keeping me in your zone
I am thinking of getting a throne

With her love I am safe, hidden from this perilous world bursting nothing with color

To my beloved mother whose love never cease to waver
Who took all my chances to be braver
Who gave me everything in her favor
This is not my life without your labor

Thank you Mother, for your love never cease to waver

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