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Kiss me, tender Shimmer of the Ocean.
Whisper Lullabies into my Ears while my Eyes cry Tears.
Kiss my Forehead and caress my Back.
Costumes, i need a Hug.
Hair and makeup, I need a Handshake.
Tell me that i will see the Stage when I wake.
I cried Tears at Midnight under a sicle Moon.
Tell me,dear Rehearsal, what does it mean?
I am reaching out in vain,
To Scream would only cause me Pain.
Actors,dearest,my loveliest Fellas.
Take me in, wrap me up in Roles.
Take the tender, steal my Life;
But bring me beams of stinging lights.
Take my Hand and be on your Way;
But lead me to the Stage so I can stay.
I've been away too long, can't find the Door:
My trusted wooden Boards on the Floor,
I beg you, don't forget the child,
That ran on you from age zero. Me, the Wild.
Curtain, my Master, don't wrinkle any more;
The velvet, the Satin; what more can I adore?
Remember me, you hot warm Light?
The Shadow of my first Stage fright?
How are you, how've you been?
Never give up, my Love, save me a Seat
For you are why I live and breathe.
Yes, Theatre, my oldest mate; would come with me, on another Date?

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