2-the angel?

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Mixx: what?

Win: I said i saw him shooting a person...

Mixx: Win be quite... someone might hear you...

As their drinks were delivered... Mixx turned and gave the flirtatious smile to the bartender... and placed more cash on the table

Earth: this is more than the bill..

Pointed towards the cash.

Mixx: keep the rest as tips...

Earth rolled his eyes at the younger who was smiling at him...

Mixx: i could give you more... if you give me your phone number...

Earth: take your money and go away...

He turned to leave.

Win: huh sorry ....

Earth stopped in his tracks...

Win: for my friends behaviour...

Mixx rolled his eyes at his goody two shoes friend..

He turned to look at the bartender and smiled...

Mixx: p'Earth by this time you should have known i like you and Iam willing to do anything to get your attention... so name the price to make you mine...

Win slapped himself in his head...

Win: Mixx stop it... you are embrassing yourself... and me too..

Earth: do you want my attention? Dont make me laugh, you rich arrogant bastard... i thought i could tolerate your attics but i decided i hate you... dont ever come in front of me...

He spat the words at him and went away to carry on his work...

Win shook his head...

"That's not how you confess to someone you like"

Mixx: well its not like i make confessions on daily basis... this is the first time for me...

Win: so now that your unrequited love hates you.. can we leave the bar before the devil spots me..

Win hid behind Mixx and looked at the man that's frightening him just by the presence... his heart beat faster on looking at the handsome face... the way his eye crinckle when he smiles ... if Win was not frightened by the man's work he sure would have fallen for that gorgeous face.

Mixx: lets finish the drink.. you dont like wasting the money...

He said looking at Earth who was in far corner serving an another flirtatious customer...

Win took the drink and gulped it at one go... and made a nasty face...

Win: yuck.... wat the hell is this... anyway i finished drinking come lets get out of here...

He pulled Mixx with him who was protesting to leave the club..

Mixx drove the car while Win was acting little weird...

Mix: dont tell me you are drunk ... that was not even a medium level alcohol...

Win's face was flushed and he laughed at Mixx and nothing in particular... Mixx brought Win to his room so that his mother wouldnt be worried about him...

Once settled in his luxurious room. Mixx asked Win about what has happened and why did he need to drink... even in the drunk state Win couldnt forget the incident and clearly the remembered the face of the man that's haunting his thoughts

Win: iam worried Mixxx.. *hiccup* that he will kill me *hic* and make my family disappear*hic*

Win was crying at the point... and showed him the card that he kept with him safely...

Win: see its written 'lucifer' he is the devil himself and he will kill me...

Somehow Mixx calmed Win down and made him sleep and went out of the house making calls and taking the shiny red card with him...

It was almost 3am when Mixx stopped his car at the back of the Hell's bar and waited there almost dosing off.

"Why are you here?"

Mixx opened his eyes from and looked at his long time crush...

Mixx: huh?

Earth: why are you here? I told you not to come here...

Mixx: well you said not to come in front of you... I am just standing at the back of the bar...

Earth: doing what?

Mixx: i came to talk about this...

He said holding the red card up...

Earth: you shouldnt be having this...

He tried to pull the card from Mixx's hand... but Mixx kept it in his pocket...

Mixx: its not mine its my friends... Apparently he saw something he shouldn't see... And afraid that he will loose his life.. so i will do anything to keep him alive...

Earth: give me the card and not everything is about money...

Mixx: i know...

Earth: then what you want..

Mixx: i want your boss to reassure my friend and i will pay anything to make it happen.....

Next day morning

Win woke up panicking and found himself in Mixx's room..

But then everything about yesterday came to his mind and he started panicking again...

And he saw Mixx sleeping on the couch, with a paper on his hand...

Mixx groaned when Win woke him up...

Win: iam going home.. mom will be worried...

Mixx yawning: wait we need to talk about yesterday...

Win: what about yesterday...

Mixx: about Bright?

Win: what Bright? i don't know any Bright?

Mixx: you can act all you want but iam gonna tell you what happened...

Win: what happened?

Mixx: Bright is not a bad guy... well he is a bad guy for bad guys... He shot the police officer yesterday because the officer was corrupted and didn't take his warning seriously...

Win: is this some plot of the movie?

Mixx: do you want to know what the police officer did?

Win: No...Either way Its wrong ... Shooting good people and bad people are the same.... Bright he is not the law to punish anyone...

Mixx: anyway.. he wouldn't do anything to you... That's what iam trying to tell... He only shoots or make people disappear if they have done anything bad... You didn't do anything bad...

Win: i witnessed him doing bad...

Mixx: well technically No.. you just stood outside and didn't know what happened inside...

Win: don't pull technicality... You didn't see the blood dripping down his sleeves or the look in his eyes...

An automatic shiver run down Win when he thought about the cold indifferent eyes...

Win: he is the devil himself Mixx.. He is Lucifer...

Mixx: well for your information Lucifer is not a devil.

He is a "Fallen angel"
And he is expecting you to start working at his bar as a manager in exchange of sparing your life and your family too...

Well how was it? Iam really nervous writing this story...🖤

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