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Hajimes veiw-

I sigh as I walk out of class to see Nanami waving at me while holding the strap of her bag "hey hinteta!" She says "hi Nanami" we walk to the cafeteria and grab some food and sit. A few minutes had passed and I needed to go to the restroom I asked one of the teachers if I could go and they said I could. The only bathroom was out in the hall so I walk out but as I was I noticed someone in the empty classroom. I peek around the corner and it was nagito sitting there reading a book "um hey shouldn't you be in the cafeteria?" I ask him "hm? Oh it gets to loud in there so the teachers let me sit in here" "well aren't you at least gonna eat?" I asked him worried "I don't really eat much normally." He said to me "do you mind if I sit?" He gave me a small smile and nodded his head the only thing I could think was he's so cute. I sit down next to him "what book are you reading?" I asked "oh it's a series called danganronpa it's about teenagers who were put in this killing game" he said to me I could tell he liked talking about it "hey I read it to what book are you on?" I responded I could tell he was suprised I knew "I'm on book 20" he said "wow I'm only on 12 do you only read" I said jokingly he nodded slightly and said "for the most part yes" he then smiled again. Just then the bell rings there's two more classes until we get to go home "oh I have to go bye" he said "um wait could I get your n-number so we could talk about the books?" I asked he nodded his head and we exchanged numbers he then walked off the class I sat and smiled for a few minutes until Nanami walked in "where have you been?" She asked me "oh I was talking to that boy Komaeda" I smiled at her "I wouldn't he's really weird and you might get bullied for talking to him" she said worried "I mean he's human to shouldn't we talk to him?" She shrugged and then we walked off to class

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