Chapter 11

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Zayn's POV

I could have broken down right then, even if my mates were just a few pews down. Kat was hugging me and crying. I'm officially a father. Kat ran off to hug her dad. I feel someone tap on my shoulder and I turn around. I ball my hands into fists.

"What do you want?" I say between clenched teeth.

"I just want to say a few things. All you have to do is listen," Mr. Waters says. I nod. "I most likely traumatized Kat for the rest of her life. I'm sorry for that."

"A sorry won't fix things. You know she wakes up at night screaming? She cries and cries and cries and it's your fault. Your fault and mine," I say and look down.

"I really do love her, Zayn. I admit, I did do pretty bad things in the past, but as soon as she told me she was pregnant, all I wanted to do was be there for her. Obviously, I did the complete opposite. If word got out, I would've been arrested on the spot. So I did what was needed and I told her to leave, taking Annabelle with me that way she wouldn't rat me out."

"The problem was that you didn't consider how she would feel, what her plans and ideas were. That's something I will never do."

I admit, Mr. Waters was just doing what he had to do, but he could've done it another way. Plus, he could've just had an appropriate relationship with his students and his love life outside of the school yard. I really want to punch him just to let out some steam, but I know Kat would be disappointed. We were still in the building, after all.

"Being that I'll be put in jail, I just ant to let you know a few things about Annabelle. First off, she can't speak yet nor walk, but she can make noises. If you say an animal, she'll make that noise. Secondly, she loves to the baby food carrots. Third of all, she got a few tests and she is deathly allergic to peanut butter, so don't let the stuff anywhere near her." He hands me a tiny device that looks like an injection and a box of pills. "If she starts to have trouble breathing or hives, give these to her immediately and take her to a hospital. Lastly, she has trouble sleeping sometimes, so I would play Ed Sheeran and she would fall asleep. Take care of both of them Zayn."

He walks over to our baby and kisses her before he gets escorted out the door. Harry, who had been standing beside me the whole time, gave me a pat on the back.

"I got all of that don, in case you forgot," he says. I smile and head over to Kat, whisking her up and around. She laughs.

"So, what's the first thing you want to do as a family?" I ask. She sighs and rolls her eyes, picking Annabele up.

"Change her name. Who names their poor child Annabelle? Out of all names!" she says.

"Isn't your cousin's name Annabelle?" I ask, raising my eye brows.

"Oh right. Well, I just want to change it to a name that we came up with not him," she says, directing her head to the open doorway that Mr. Waters left out of.

"Let's go, then!"

Harry's POV

"You're such a cutie!" Liam yelled. I felt so proud to be given permission to hold baby Annabelle. Well, I guess her name won't be Annabelle for long. I looked into her eyes. They looked just like Kat's, a deep blue, kind of like the sky on a clear day.

"Ouch! Bad baby!" Louis says as he took her tiny fist and slapped his face with it. She started giggling and I smiled. She was so innocent and precious, it's something I haven't seen a lot of now a days.

"Say Niall!" C'mon, little girl, say it with me! Ni-lllll" Niall urges. I start making faces at her, sending her into a gigglig fit. "Oh, c'mon, Harry! Why do you have to distract her like that!" Niall complains.

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