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Lunch and Shopping With Papa Victor and Mama who came along with him was what Hope needed to help forget what had happen earlier
She even got presents for the guys her plan was to finally move forward with their relationship it was time

Hope had talk to Dr Hubbard about it and Lindsey who she had found out later had gone to the guys and talk to them before she had made the decision to give herself to them

Lindsey and Hope both were in the lingerie shop looking at different things when Hope found a sheer robe with sheer panties in white but the trim was in a pale pink she even found white thigh highs with pale pink trim at the top

" This is it "Hope says as she picked it up she went to the Register and paid for them

She knew she had heels that would look great with it  before she walked out she texted Papa Gabriel

Papa G do you know where I can find a garter belt

What color Do you need


I have some do you want Me to take them to your house and what are we wearing that needs this

Yeah and here is a pic

She waited for him to reply

That definitely will get their attention Baby Girl

Thanks that's what I am aiming for

"So did you buy it " Mama said when she came up behind Hope
"Yeah I did I hope they like it " Hope said
" Honey you could be Naked they would love it so don't worry " Mama said
" I'll try " Hope replies
"Come on lets get find the others and then head home "

Her parents dropped her off at her place with Lindsey since her car was still with Papa North
Something about she needs her brakes done

Hope took her bags and went to her spare room and started wrapping the gifts so there wouldn't be any snooping

"Hey Are you going to get a Tree for here"Lindsey asked when she came into the room
" I think we are going tomorrow to get one Our family always went closer to Christmas before we got one not that the house wasn't decorated we just didn't have the tree until then " Hope tells her

" Ah I bet your Christmas were always loud "

" Ha yes they were but it was filled with love every holiday is " Hope says

" Well lets get dinner started since it's cool out I have stuff to make Chili and we all love for the chili to cook A while " Hope suggest

Lindsey and Hope work in the kitchen chopping up onions , jalapeños for the chili
" Do you have stuff to make Corn Bread " Lindsey asked
" Why yes I do there is a bag of corn meal in the pantry and there is the cast iron that are like corn on the cob molds in there too  " Hope  tells her

After getting the chili going they cleaned up the kitchen as they were finishing up the door Alarm went off and the screen In the kitchen popped on to show Chandler coming in

"Mmmm what smells so good " Chandler said as he came in

"Hope's Chili " Lindsey answered

"Oh that sounds delicious for dinner are we all here tonight " Chandler asked

" No it's only me and you tonight but there will be enough for everybody to have some tomorrow " Hope tells him

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