(BSD)Chuuya and Dazai-Drugs

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I am walking home after visiting my parents. I'm a normal 16 year old high school student well almost normal. My dad's a Drug Lord and I go to an expensive private school. And as always I had my driver drop me off a few blocks away from my dorms so no one would ask questions. I mean I really don't think it's normal for a driver to carry two automatic hand guns and look like a bouncer. I don't like answering questions because of who my dad is I was taught to stay quiet.

After a few more minutes I'm only a block away from the dorms then I heard a noise. Like a can being kicked. I activated my ability using the senses of a wolf and smelling cigarettes. I turned my head to the side scanning the area. Nothing. I turned back around only to have a hand clamped over my mouth. I tried struggling but everything went dark.

~Time Skip~

I woke up slowly. I felt cold and trapped. I let my eyes flutter open only to be met with the sight of a staircase. I looked around the place. The walls were plain and there are dark stains on the floor that look like blood. I tried to move my hands only to find them chained to the wall. I am chained to a colum in what looks like a basement great.

I heard footsteps coming from in front of me. There are two people that came into view. Both looked to be my age. One had brown hair and matching brown eyes he was also dressed all in black. The odd part was the bandage covering one eye and the bandages wrapped around his neck and arms. The second kid has red hair and bright blue eyes. He was dressed like he is playing Mafia with a fancy hat and trench coat hanging off his shoulders.

"So she is awake" I glared at bandages.

"Let's just get this over with Dazai" So bandages is Dazai.

"Aw Chuuya you're no fun" Dazai pouted cutely looking at the red head. So the red head is Chuuya. I sighed in annoyance.

"What do you guys want from me?"

"Oh you don't know"

"I wouldn't ask if I did"

"Your father is a rich drug lord that is deeply enbeded in Yokohama's underworld"

"Why are you telling me thing I already know? If this is how the whole conversation is going to go send someone else in"

"I wasn't finished but let me tell you something you don't know. Your father's business has been booming and he thinks it's a good idea to threaten the Port Mafia. And that brings me to the reason you're here. We need you to convince your father to enter an alliance with the Port Mafia"

"You really think that I didn't know what my father was doing? I may look like a clueless little girl but my dad has groomed me to take over for him"

"Oh is that so? Interesting. Hey Chuuya how much do you think her father would pay for her"

"A lot I would think"

"My father would pay for my release but I don't need help to get out of here" a lie really but I don't have anything to bargain with besides lies. But luckily I'm well trained to lie without thought. Chuuya scoffed.

"I doubt that. You don't look like you could take on an idiot"

"Looks can be deciving can't they. I mean you look like a child playing Mafia and you look like a walking waste of bandages"

"What the hell did you just say!?"

"If you had to ask then you heard me" I stuck my tongue out at him. Childish yes but I couldn't help it.

"She's feisty too!" Dazai smiled like that was the best thing he ever heard.

"Can't you just hurry up and get to the point? I'm getting bored" I sighed dramatically.

"We told you why you're here dumbass"

"Oh right. I'm sorry I forgot"

"Yeah right"

"Okay calm down you two. Now how about you answer"

"Oh well I don't know. You did kidnap me and you haven't offered me anything worthwhile so I'm conflicted"

"If you do this for us our boss will make you the new leader of your father's business. Is that fair?" I always knew that I would eventually take over but I didn't think it was possible to happen so soon.

"I don't know. I mean I'm still in school and all but It would be fun I guess" I hummed softly.

"But why would your boss want a 16 year old in charge. Is it because you think that I'll be easy to munipulate?"

"I guess that could be the reason but I wasn't given the why. I mean my bosses orders are absolute"

"Well that won't work. I happen to be highly intelligent and don’t like people trying to trick me. That's my thing"

"So you like to mess with people. That's one trait that would make you a good leader" I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think thats true but whatever"

"Believe what you want" Dazai waved a dismissive hand.

"Is there anything else. I would like some alone time"

"How about this you help us and we don't kill you! Hm does that sound good" I shifted uncomfortably.

"Well both deals together sound very good but......"

"But what?"

"Why does the Port want a deal with my dad's business?"

"That's simple really. You see your father's group happens to own a very important piece of territory near the port that is very valuable to us"

"Oh that makes sense. So if you make me the leader of my dad's business and don't kill me I think we have a deal"

"Deal" Dazai flashed me a victorious smile. But the look didn't reach his eyes. They shone with malice. Enough to make me shiver.

"Deal. Now could you please untie me"

"Yes of course. Chuuya untie her please"

"You do it asshole"

"Oh fine" Dazai quickly untied me. I rubbed my wrists.

"Now it's your turn to fulfill your part of the deal" I stood up and nodded.

"Don't worry my dad has a certain soft spot for me"

"Oh that's good"

"At least in this situation it is"

"Now how about we escort you out hm"

"Okay fine"

~Time Skip~

In the end The Port Mafia made good on their promise to me. I became the leader of the newly renamed Wolf Pack. The Wolf Pack is now a specialized department of the Port Mafia run by Mori himself. The good thing about that is I don't have to take orders from anyone besides Mori. I also stopped running drugs. I wasn't ever really interested in that kind of thing anyways so it was an easy decision. Now we investigate mysterious happening within the Port and determine if a person is a traitor or not. All in all I think I made the right decision back then.

Anime One-Shots (Discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang