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"No, no, no. I love you but no," Louis paced the room in my brothers shirt and I whined.

"But what have you got to lose!" I asked him and he stopped pacing he floor. He looked to me and I continued to stare at him for an answer.

"Nothing, but I mean what if it affected us, or those around us," Louis argued and it seemed like he was searching for something wrong with it.

"Oh, I get it.." I trailed off and he quickly furrowed his eyebrows, surprised.

Good this is going to work.

"Get what?" Louis asked confused and I smirked in my mind, if that's even possible.

Wait is smirking in the mind possible like you can mentally groan-

Stay on subject!

"You're too afraid you'd fall for me Tomlinson, it's too much of a risk," I teased trying to get him to give in.

He loves any challenge. He looked at me and that competitive glint in his eye said it all, what his next move would be, and what he would say.

"I would not," he argued as he crossed his arms over his chest like a little kid. I held back my laughs, he's too easy to get to.

I've gotten him to do the stupidest things just for him to 'win' at them. It's quite fun actually, being a con artist with your best friend that is.

"Prove it," I retorted knowing I had him now and he rolled his lips.

"Done. I, Louis William Tomlinson ask you Millicent Paige Clayborn for permission to be your fake boyfriend?" Louis asked and I laughed at his seriousness and determination.

"I don't know, shouldn't you take me out for dinner first," I joked and he punched my shoulder playfully.

"You ruin every moment."

I shrugged and looked to my phone to see that Alyssa texted me asking me if I wanted to go to lunch. Louis popped up behind my shoulder and I jumped from his hot breath.

"Perfect time to announce our relationship," Louis took me by surprise and I turned my head towards him.

"I thought it was just to make Harry jealous?" I asked confused and he laughed at me.

What am I that blonde? I don't understand the hype about being blonde either, I mean it's just a hair color not a label. Everyone stereotypes us as dumb asses but I am second in our class and naturally blonde.

"Well if we make them believe it then he definitely would," Louis replied with a shrug as he grabbed his coat and threw mine at me.

"I'm not real sure about this relationship thing, but boyfriends don't usually throw jackets at the girl?" I said in a questioning tone and Louis just stared at me with a blank look. I looked back down at my phone as it vibrated and I saw it Harry texting me to ask what I was doing. Louis smirked as he saw it and I laughed as Louis stole my phone. I got it back after he sent a message and he walked out the door, I stopped walking to read the message and laughed out loud at what it said.

Going out for a lunch date with Alyssa and Louis, she's third wheeling, whoops...

I quickly caught up to Louis at my car and he smiled at me as we got in.

"You're funny you know?" I asked while staring at the message and he just chuckled.

I could come and even it out and make sure Louis doesn't give you any trouble ;)

I smiled a little at the text then turned to Louis whose eyes were on the road. "It's working!" He gave me a quick side glance and I saw the smirk on his face when he did so.

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