Twenty-five eight//four

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I walked back into my room and a sigh escaped my mouth as I sat down against the door. I pulled at my hair in frustration from my talk with Lottie and muttered a few choice words.

"He's bad news Lott's-" I started but she cut me off with an eyeroll and a sigh.

"You think I care what he's done to others? It only pertains to me if it happens to me," Lottie was being stubborn and I slowly exhaled while closing my eyes briefly.

This is going to take some work, work that I'm not patient enough for.

"Look Louis and I both-" I started a thought yet again but Lottie cut me off.

I gritted my teeth gaining annoyance and my eyes widened in anger at her. She is being a stubborn, dramatic, teenager and is the reason I don't want kids at the moment.

"I know that you and Louis both don't want me to but it doesn't matter. It's my life and I can do what I want!" Lottie cut me off and squealed the end while flailing her arms.

"Charlotte Elizabeth Tomlinson!" I yelled and she finally looked me in the eyes, giving me her undivided attention. "Hear us out okay, if not us, just talk to Grace okay?"

"Whatever," she huffed and I spun around on my heel, then exited the hostile enviroment of her room.

I banged my head on the door and literally growled, I hate not accomplishing something, it drives me insane.

I heard Michaels music through the wall and I banged on it, our code for turn it down.

His music instantly turned down and I thanked God for that as I kicked off my heels. I ran my fingers through my straightened hair and searched for comfy clothes to change into. I found a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and quickly changed out of my dress. After changing I threw my hair somewhat into a bun and somewhat of a pony tail then walked out of my room.

I knocked on Michaels door and he opened it a second later with a smile.

"So Lottie, you think she's hot?" I started out with my opening line then walked in. I made myself at home in his room by sitting on his bed then noticed the other boys in here.

Oh God it's his band mates, the boys that all want to do me in Michaels words. I'm good friends with them but Michael says they all have a crush on me but Luke's is the biggest.

"Hey Calum, Luke, Ashton, do you think Lottie is doable?" I refrained and their eyes went a little wide in shock. "Do they not know we talk about these things?" I looked to Michael and he shrugged as he ran a hand through his currently red hair.

"Suppose not, and she is," Michael answered then sat on the floor, cross-cross.

A chorus of yeah's went through the boys and I smiled at them.

"So you think one of you could date her?" I asked with a hopeful look and Michael gave me a look.

"We're not dating one of your friends sisters for you," Michael quipped and I stuck out my bottom lip.

"Please?" I asked and he shook his head and crossed his arms. "Pleaseeee! Please Mikey!"

He gave me a look at his nickname and I sighed. "It's because she wants to date Skylar and if she got her mind off him you know?"

I gave all of them a pleading look and sighed as I face planted onto the bed, smashing my face into a pillow. I signed and yelled an I hate you pussies and all of them sighed in response.

I buried my head even further and the boys told me to get up, I didn't move an inch and soon I had them all poking me. I held back my laughs which made me shake so they began to think I was crying. I wasn't even trying to make them think that but when I heard them all agreeing that Calum would do it I say up with a satisfactory smile.

"Thank you boys!" I yelled and kissed them each on the cheek then ran out with a wave.

I walked downstairs to find food and I smiled to myself seeing how lucky I was right then. I just help myself without knowing which is not a bad thing.

I began to fixed myself a cup of mint tea and I smiled as the aroma filled my nostrils, I love tea. The warmth radiated from the cup to my hand and I felt my heart grow for tea.

Unfortunately my heart shrunk as someone banged on the window making me jump and spill tea all over the floor. I closed my eyes for a brief moment already knowing who it was then glared right at the window where Louis was waving.

I flipped him off as I grabbed a towel to clean it up then as I was hunched over I heard the front door open, followed by footsteps to me.

"Hello Jason why do you have to scare me like that?" I sarcastically asked him and he shrugged with a smile.

"I love it."

Of course Louis would, anything to make me anything other than comfortable he loves.

"You don't have to be an ass twenty-four seven," I replied as I dried the remainder of the tea up then turned to glare.

"I'm not, I'm an ass twenty-five eight." I rolled my eyes all the way to the underworld and back then looked back at him, laughing at his own joke.

I actually really do love Louis, not in that way but I love people who laugh at their own jokes. I feel happy when I'm with them, if they can't get their story or joke out without laughing I love them.

To laugh at yourself is to love yourself is what some philosopher said, hell if I know which one.

"Louis!" The boys yelled as they came downstairs and Louis rolled his eyes and rose a lip in disgust causing me to laugh as he turned to them.

"Michael! Calum! Ashton! Luke! Jennifer!" Louis yelled at them and ran at Jennifer.

This has been an inside joke of ours that will stay inside our minds forever.

The boys stated confused and Louis just smiled and petted Jennifer's hair.

"Is he okay?" Ashton whispered to me and I gave him an odd look.

"He's just talking with Jennifer," I replied with a shrug as Louis talked to Jennifer.

All of the boys were confused and Louis and I couldn't help our childlike giggles that slipped out. They exceeded into full out cackling and we were leaning against the wall while the others stared.

It's not like we're going to tell them our inside joke, then it wouldn't be inside or funny.

"Family Guy marathon in your bed!" Louis yelled and ran upstairs with me and the boys following him. We all jumped onto my bed and I was laying between Luke and Louis. Luke wrapped an arm around me and cuddled me in a friendly way and I smiled as I snuggled into him.

"What about me cuddle buddy?" Louis asked in a small voice and I looked over at him and Luke smirked.

"You're an ass twenty-five eight so no," I smiled a little but hid it in Luke's arm.

"Awe c'mon you know I love you," Louis argued and I shook my head from side to side and Luke squeezed my shoulder with a smile.

"Shouldn't you cuddle with your boyfriend instead of your friend?" Michael questioned and I sighed remembering then Louis wrapped his arms around me and yanked me to him.

"But-" Luke started but Louis cut him off in a scream.

"She's mine!"

V short and I'm v sorry but it is what it is...

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