Chapter 5: Combat training (Part 2)

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Mecha was looking at the fourth wall that was repaired with two band aids.

Mecha: I did it! I fixed the fourth wall!

Mecha turned around to close the first aid kit behind him. But when Mecha looked at the fouth wall again, it was broken once more.


(No ones POV)

(I'm not going to cover every combat since I'm lazy)

The fights between the students for now were more than surprising. The combat between Midoriya's team against Bakugo's team was really destructive. Midoriya and Uraraka barely managed to win. You were very intrigued by the fact that Midoriya had no control over his own quirk. The poor kid with broccoli hair ended up with his arm seriously broken. Uraraka was more lucky since she just ended with an stomach ache. Although you were deep in your thoughts, Seras's giggle made you snap back to reality.

(y/n): What's so funny?

Seras: I just can't get what happened to Bakugo out of my mind! It was so funny!

Bakugou was resting on a chair at the other end of the room. He was on his own and with a very "explosive" temperament at the moment.

Bakugo: Shut up, you fucking bimbo!

(y/n): You are blond too...

Bakugo: I will blow you up later!

Seras: Hah! Just make sure of resting those legs until then~

Bakugo: You-GRRRRRR!!!

Bakugo's pride was recently injured twice today. You see, shortly after the end of the match against Midoriya...


Midoriya had lost consciousness after that powerful blow that destroyed multiple floors of the building and broke his own arm. Bakugo was really furious since he just got defeated by a person who previously not only did not had a quirk, but that person was also his favorite victim to humiliate. Bakugo always enjoyed to remind Midoriya that he was useless and his dream was a bad joke. But now, Bakugo was standing in front of someone who broke his understanding of "being weak". Bakugo was clenching his fists in fury.

Bakugo: The only reason a nerd like you had the chance of beating me was because you had a teammate! You would never beat me on your own!

???: Maybe yes, but he still won.

Bakugo quickly turned around and saw Kakashi behind him. Kakashi was calmly reading his book full of "plot" as he walked towards Bakugo.

Kakashi: No matter how strong you are, there will always be someone better. That is something that heroes have to deal with every day. It's for that same reason that teams are formed. To defeat stronger enemies which normally no single individual would have any chance of defeating.

Bakugo: I don't need a team! I could defeat anyone by myself!

Kakashi: You ignored your teammate and lost because you tought you could handle them by yourself.

Bakugo: In a real battle I would win!

Kakashi: You sure? How about you try to beat me now then?

All Might started talking through the speakers.

All Might: Wait, Kakashi. What are you-

Bakugo: Fine! Don't hold back!

All Might: Young Bakugo! Please think before-

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