Shared Enemies

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*Edited 7/5/18-7/6/18*

Chapter Twelve

Nicole's P.O.V.

As I walked into school, the whispers and eyes on me sent shivers down my spine, but I felt they are only normal since I am still 'new'. I had kept Freedom at Ky's over the weekend and I am just itching to ask him a million questions on how she's settling in. 

I stopped in my tracks and looked around me as I heard girls giggle, look at me, then look back down at their phones. I was about to ask them what's so funny, when Ky, Travis, Marcus, and few other basketball boys came running down the hall. 

They went searching from class to class like idiots and I enjoyed watching them waste their time. Ky's head popped out from a room and caught my eyes and it was like a stampede of elephants hurling towards a mouse. 

I stood awaiting the team's arrival as people jumped out of their way, yet I didn't budge. 

As soon as they reached me they squatted down to catch their breath, but Ky didn't seem to take a break and got right to the subject at hand. "D-Did you s-see it?" He said, quickly inserting gasps whenever he got the chance.

"Um... what?" I chuckled confused. People around us seemed to have left and the hallway lingered with a few extra gossip girls. "The picture?" Ky asked clearly confused. "What picture?" I demanded, piecing together the obvious. 

Travis pulled out his phone along with the others and they all turned them towards me at the same time. My eyes widened and a gasp escaped my mouth as I took in this dramatic picture. Then the boys started swiping across the screen from this picture, to that one, and the next. 

"Seriously! A picture of me and Ky in my car. What did they say, that we were having sex or something?" I scoffed and pinched the bridge of my nose. They all turned around to check our surroundings before Ky, Travis and Marcus settled in close to me. 

"Who sent this?" I spat out in my clenched teeth. "We don't have enough time to talk about that, but after school or at lunch." Marcus tried calming me down along with half of the team. "I came to school 20 minutes early to practice, we-have-time."

I probably would have laughed at their fearful eyes, that is, if I wasn't so livid. I grabbed Marcus by the collar and looked him dead in the eyes so he could possibly see my fury. "Who sent these? Out of everybody, I know that you could find out." I challenged him searching his eyes.

Ky separated me from Marcus and grabbed both of my wrists and looked me straight in the eye. "You need to calm down." I glared him down as the failed attempt to pull away my arms left me at his mercy. 

"Maybe we should go the the councilor's offi-" Marcus started but both Ky and I cut him short. "No!" We growled in sequence. Ky let me go and I could tell he was just as angered as I, yet he was hiding it much better.   

"It was the football team." Travis said behind me, diverting my attention off of Ky. There were no second words uttered as we all crowded to the weight room. Not one basketball player was left behind as they felt just as involved.  

We cluttered through the door as Ky and I led the pack and heat basically radiated off of him. Bars were settled and dumbbells were dropped to the ground as shirtless and sweaty football players circled around their team captain

The silence killed me, so I knocked my way ahead of Ky and stepped up to the defensive team. "What's with the picture?" I spat at them as grins spread out among the boys. Dirty, sarcastic, and threatening grins.   

"Oh... whatever do you mean?" The football team captain, Jackson said sarcastically with a step towards me. "I am just trying to protect my sister, Kate. Maybe you know her." My mind clicked. Something about him did seem awfully familiar, and it's not just the way he walks. 

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