do i actually need him?

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I woke up with the same heartache that I have had since yesterday , I miss him
I need him, i still want him,I'm never gonna love again,as those thoughts ran through my head I thought to myself do I actually need him? I questioned it

I got out of my bed and walked down the stairs but I stopped mid way cause I heard my name ih t was my mom dad kio and Jaden talking and that when my heart started to sink and I felt the heartache all over again

Kio and Jaden conversation earlier

K: we need to tell Bryce and addison

J:ik we do but ik what she feels like and it's not a good feeling I promise you kio

K: it's the right thing to do Jaden

J:ok let's do it

End of conversation

J: hey Bryce and addison can we talk to you guys real quick

B/A: yea

K: ok so this is very serious and we need to tell u because you guys are her parents

J: and it's the right thing to do

B: did something happen to Nolynn

He said in a panicked voice

J:calm Bryce you cant get mad ok


K: so you know the Quinton and her situation obviously but I guess she got so depressed to the point where she started to cut like all over her wrist her ankles and her thighs

A: are you serious
She said in a sad voice

B: we need to talk to her

Back to Nolynns pov

As soon as I heard my dad I walked all the way down the stairs and as I walked out there a eyes were on me my mom and dad rushed to me and hugged me tightly honestly I thought I was gonna be in trouble as my parents hugged me they started to cry witch made me cry cause I caused them this sadness



B: why did you do it over a stupid boy

N: idk I'm so sorry please do be mad at me you know what you probably already are go ahead hit dont feed for a week me just get it over with

A:why would we hit you

B: why do u think we would do that

N: I dont know it's just want my old parents did to me so I just kinda thought about when they used to hurt me

B: baby girl we would never ok we love you alot ok

N: ok dad I live you guys thank u for being here for me

A: ofc baby girl

I walked upstairs and kio and Jaden followed me upstairs into my room and asked if I wanted to play video games but I declined it then they offered just to cuddle and watch Netflix all day so I agreed and they asked me what I wanted to watch I said euphoria do they put on euphoria and we watched it till I fell asleep

Sorry for the short chapter but ily all and I will try to update soon!

adopted by sway la//Bryce hall is my new dadWhere stories live. Discover now