broken hearts can be fixed with time

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Nolynn's pov

I woke up the next morning to Jaden and I cuddling I still felt the same heart ache but was a little more numb but not a lot

I just layed back down on to Jaden's chest and and played with his hair to take my mind off things and I didn't realize Jaden woke up and he was just looking down at me I looked up and smiled

J: well good morning beautiful

N:good morning handsome

J:how did u sleep

N: alright

J:ok well are u hungry gorgeous

N:not really

J: well alright are u ok of I go make some food for me and the boys

N:yea ofc go ahead

J: ok I'll be back later


Nolynn's pov

Jaden had finally left I was glad I had him to wake up to but I need my time I got up and locked my door and crawled back in bed to cry and think about if my life is worth it

A/N this may be triggering so if u think u might get triggered then skip there will be cutting

I debated if I was gonna cut and I made my decision so I walked to my bathroom and grabbed my razor and cut it hurt but I did over and over till I felt dizzy so I cleaned up and walked out and changed into a hoodie and sit down on my bed and just layed there till I heard a Jaden

J: I'm back,can u let me in please

I felt bad but I just ignored him I didn't to want to risk him seeing that cuts but then I remembered Jaden knew the code to my pad lock so I just told him I was changing my clothes

N: I'm changing

J:oh ok I'll wait

N:...ok.....I'm done

J:can I come in ?


He unlocked my door and crawled into my bed and we just cuddled while I fell asleep

Jaden's POV

I was cuddling Nolynn and I noticed she fell asleep so I made a tiktok of us

Caption: look at this cutie she is so adorable 🤍🥺 ily cutie @Nolynnhall



Fan:omg omgggg so cute

@brycehall:um... didn't know this was a thing but ok...

@joshrichards:hard core ship

@qgriggs:uh okie... but ngl I ship sry kio


Fans: this is so cute love this ship

@mads.yo: i- this girl finna catch hands
^@jadenhossler: no she ain't mads leave her alone

Hater:that's is just hoe vibes🙄😒

Shipacc:Nolynn and Jaden do be cute tho

Tiktokroom:👀new ship??

End of comments

Nolynns POV

I woke up to Jaden and I cuddling I liked being in his arms I felt safe but I still love kio sadly but Jaden made it better I just went back to bed because I was tired

I'm sorry its taking me forever to update but I will try to update more often love guys also please go follow my tiktok briana_marie193 if u want ily all🥺🤍

adopted by sway la//Bryce hall is my new dadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora