Part 20💐

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Sehun quietly watched as his brother walk away and hug Kris,

"Good bye and take care" His brother said, Sehun still could not say anything as he watched his brother leave with Kris,

Sehun sighed, he was somehow feeling strange, just then someone entered his room again, Sehun looked up to see Lay smiling at him,
"How are you Sehun? " He asked,

"I'm fine hyung" Sehun mumbled,
"Do you miss your brother? " Lay asked, "I do but there is nothing we can do about it right? " Sehun said,

"I'm sorry" Lay said as hw hugged Sehun, Sehun quietly hugged him back,

Luhan was lying on his bed thinking about Xiumin, "He's not coming back is he? " he thought, too curious he became restless and ran back to the old cabin in the woods where he last saw Xiumin, he was surprised to see Xiumin waiting for him, "I'm here... I just wanted to say goodbye" Xiumin said, "You're going back? " Luhan asked wistfully, "Yes because I can't stay here for too long" Xiumin said,

"Will we ever meet again?" Luhan asked, Xiumin shrugged,"That's on fate to decide" Xiumin said, Luhan quietly nodded,

"Goodbye" Xiumin said, "Goodbye" Luhan said, the other then disappeared into the woods,

Sehun walked into the halls to meet face to face with Chanyeol, before he could do anything Chanyeol hugged him, "I missed you... Sehunnie" He said,Sehun's heart began to beat faster as the taller hugged him tightly, "Hyung... " he mumbled, "we just met a few hours ago" Sehun said,
"Yes but I missed you my Sehunnie" Chanyeol whispered into Sehun's ears making the smaller to shiver, Chanyeol was so warm and comforting Sehun could fall asleep immediately just by hugging him, he thought to himself,

"What did you do to Sehun? " Baekhyun asked Tao who was quietly sitting on his couch, "I gave him back his memories... I realised that if I loved Sehun I wouldn't force him to do anything he didn't want... If he wanted to stay he would stay if he wanted to leave he could... " Tao said,
Baekhyun sat next to Tao fidgeting his fingers, "I did something to Chanyeol... Which I shouldn't have because I was jealous" Baekhyun said,

Tao slowly turned his gaze to his brother sitting beside him, "What did you do? " He asked, "I kissed him.. I know he's my brother but still... I don't have any feelings for him... In a romantic way but I just got jealous because you know that I'm very close to him.. But after Sehun came he started to distance himself from me I was hurt... And I ended up being a jerk to my own brother" Baekhyun said, Tao let out a loud sigh, "It sounds pretty messed up " He said

"Even I got jealous of Chanyeol's and Sehun's affection towards each other" Tao said,

Just as they were talking Lay walked inside the room making the other two surprised, "I think it's time we all have a family gathering" Lay said,

He summoned all his brothers and Sehun himself into the enormous hall, where all sat nervously,

"It's time for confessions.." Lay said,
"Nobody will keep anything inside them, just say everything that's in your mind" Lay said, "Kris hyung... Yiy start" Lay said, "...I dated a half demon who happened to be Sehun's brother"
He said, a few were surprised but most of them already seemed to know about it,"Baekhyun? " Lay mumbled,
Baekhyun looked straight at Chanyeol, "I'm sorry for what I did that was not my intention..I got jealous because you were distancing yourself from me" he said, Chanyeol just nodded and looked down, "I forgive you Baekhyun... And I'm in love with Sehun" Chanyeol said

"Yes? Luhan hyung? " Lay said looking at Luhan,"I met up and sucked the blood of a half demon...I might be in love with him although I think I'll never see him again" Luhan said, Kris was mad but he calmed himself down,

"Me too... Same story as Luhan hyung... " Kai admitted, Everyone was surprised but didn't say anything, "I was the one who caste the spell that made Sehun forget his past memories" Tao said,

Lay sighed loudly then looked at Sehun, "Sehun I want you to be honest with me okay? " He said, Sehun nodded nervously,

"Are you in love with Luhan? " He asked, Sehun gulped,he shook his head, "Who is the person you are in love with? " Lay asked, "...C-Chanyeol h-hyung" Sehun stammered,

Chanyeol was wide eyed, but happy, Tao just nodded and looked away,
"Wow" Lay said ,"The air is finally clear is it? " he mumbled,

The other demons began to nod too, Suddenly Baekhyun began to snort,
"What's so funny?" Kris asked, "This!"
Baekhyun said raising his hands up, "This whole thing is damn funny! " he said, and began to laugh loudly,

The rest of them looked at him surprised, Kris even felt offended as they watched Baekhyun laugh,
His evil weird laugh filled the hall,

Things slowly began to turn back to normal, With Luhan missing Xiumin and Kai missing Kyungsoo, Chanyeol began to show more affection to Sehun, to which Sehun returned, they would exchange kisses and cuddle in bed together, Baekhyun went back to his evil playful self and Kris most of the time would spend his time alone in his room,

Suho was back with his three friends, he was both happy and sad, he was glad to see Sehun happy, and he knew that Sehun was happier there, he missed Kris, he hoped they'd meet again, "Well... That's on fate to decide... " he said to himself wistfully.
Xiumin didn't think much about Luhan but there were nights when he'd suddenly wake up and think of him,maybe it was because of the spell the demon caste on him,he thought,the other two were not much affected by the event that took place they just went on with their regular lives,sometimes Kyungsoo would think of that annoying demon who tried to dominate him but he'd just shrug it off most of the time.



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